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Just something random.... Watching and listening to Harry sing A.M live has got to be the hostess thing I've ever seen. I don't know what it is, he's just so freaking hot! I posted the video above so check it out if you haven't seen it yet :)

No Control- One Direction

I wake up to knocking on the front door. I open my eyes and get up, groggily making my way to the door. Who would be here at quarter of nine in the morning? I hear the shower in my second bathroom going so Violet and Megan were already up. Maybe one of them left to get Starbucks and got locked out. Seems reasonable. And because I'm so set that it's either Megan or Violet, I don't bother trying to fix my hair or anything, I just make sure everything is covered before unlocking the door.

"Did you get locked out?" I open the door and my eyes bug out of my head. I turn around real quick and cover my face with my hands. "What are you doing here?" I whine.

"Well good morning to you too," Harrys deep throaty laugh fills my entry way. I wipe under my eyes real quick and pull out my hair and redo my bun before turning back around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I just wasn't expecting you to get here until later," I admit, glancing down at my clothing. I cross my arms over my chest, realizing I'm not even wearing a bra.

"I know, sorry. I just figured I'd bring breakfast. And I figured you girls would be up, you know, since you girls take forever to get ready," he holds up a brown McDonald's bag and a tray of coffee from Starbucks. "I would have called but I wasn't sure if you still had the same number."

"Oh, yeah I do," I step back letting him in, keeping my arms over my chest, "and thanks for breakfast that was really sweet. And I was planning on sleeping until nine, which leaves me plenty of time to get ready." I stick my tongue out at him. He walks in, smirking down at me as he leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

"I'll have to wake you up more often if I get to see you in these," he whispers against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, and just like that my whole body was on alert. He straightens up and walks further into my apartment, turning around to wait for me.

I decide to ignore his little comment, smiling up at him as I walk by. Two can play at this game. I pat his chest before telling him to follow me. I walked off towards the kitchen , making sure to sway my hips a little more than usual. We reach the kitchen and I lean against the counter and stretch my arms up, sticking out my chest a little, pretending to yawn. Harry just stands there, staring at me, mouth slightly agape, hands still full of food and our coffee.

"You can set those down on the counter," I tell him, trying not to laugh.

"Oh right," he clears his throat, setting the tray of drinks down and the bag of food.

"How did you know which apartment was mine?" I ask, realizing I never told him what apartment number I was. I lean my arms on the counter, sticking my butt out a little. I look up at him innocently, batting my eye lashes at him. I see him swallow nervously before clearing his throat again.

"I can be very persuasive," he smirks at me, making his way over to me. He leans down on the counter, copying my stance, he runs his hands down my back, slowly moving it down to my ass, squeezing a little. "You know, what you're doing is very cruel." I can hear the amusement in his voice with also a hint of lust.

"What am I doing?" I play innocent.

"You know exactly what you're doing. And the effect you have on me," he whispers, standing back up, tapping me lightly on my ass. I let out a little squeal, not expecting that at all. I stand up, eyes wide as I try and hide my smile.

Hope (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now