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Not sure how long I've been laying there but my chest was starting to hurt from laying on my stomach for too long.  I turn onto my back and sit up, keeping my knees bent and stretching my arms up to help relieve some of the cramps from laying in one position too long.  I notice the pattern of my towel imprinted on the tops of my thighs and some on my stomach, making me look like a wrinkly old woman.   The other girls, I noticed, have already turned into their backs.  I have a feeling I was in my own little world for awhile, completely blocking everyone out.  I fix my earbuds since they started to fall out when I sat up, The Icarus Account still playing. 

I'm staring out into the water when movement to my right catches my attention.  I expected Sean but I'm overcome with butterflies and my nerves jump into overdrive when I see the tattooed arm of Harry.  He has taken his shirt off since the last time I peaked over at him, leaving him in just a pair of loose, black shorts.  He has more tattoos on his chest and down by his hips, I had to keep myself from staring at those, or the trail of hair that disappeared in the waistband of his shorts.  I keep my head facing forward, peaking at him out of the corner of my eyes, hoping my staring is less noticeable.  Maybe it is since he nudges me with his elbow, trying to get my attention.

"Oh, hey," I smile at him, popping out my earbuds and turning off the music. 

"Hello, Abigail," he smirks at me.  I knew he was listening to my conversation with Sean. How else would he learn my full name? I think what surprises me the most is how I'm not annoyed by it. Usually hearing someone call me by my full name annoys the shit out of me, but hearing the smooth, almost sexy way Harry said it, I think I could get use to it.   From Harry of course, no one else makes my name sound so good.  I won't admit that though.

"It's Abby," I correct him, watching him watch me, not really caring if I'm staring since he's doing he same thing. 

"Sean called you Abigail," he counters, raising his eyebrows slightly, keeping his eyes locked on mine. 

"Yeah well, Sean is a little slow. I think it's from all the hits to the head in football," I roll my eyes, looking out at the water again, super aware of how close Harry is sitting next to me, his arm an inch from mine.  To distract myself and keep myself from combusting, I run my fingers over my thigh, feeling the imprint my towel left. 

"I see.  It's a pretty name," he says and I blush at his compliment, biting my bottom lip to keep from smiling. 

"Thanks," I mumble, feeling awkward, like I always do if I get compliments.  It's like I never really believe there could be anything worth complimenting me about.

"So Sean is quite the character," Harry chuckled next to me and I look over at him raising my eyebrows, wanting him to continue, "he seems pretty full of himself. Always needing to top someone's story with a story of his own." He rolled his eyes and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. I peaked behind me and Sean sat glaring over at us, to far away to actually hear what we were talking about, thank goodness. 

"Yeah, he's always been like that. I think he does that to feel better about himself, like he knows the people around him are better than him and he tries to make himself more interesting.  It's quite annoying," I tell him.

"No offense, but I can't see you with him. Is he your type?" I glance up at Harry, taken back by his words.  He looks genuinely curious, he doesn't look like he's mocking me.

"No he isn't. I think that's why it didn't work out between us," I answer him, furrowing my brows, trying to figure out if I had a type.

"What is your type?"


He looks at me intently as I bite my bottom lip, not really sure if I have a type. I can't deny the attraction I feel towards Harry. It's not just looks though, I liked talking with him the other night, he makes me laugh and I like that. I do feel more of a connection with him than I felt with Sean.  Is that enough to say Harry's my type though? I think I will just stick with the safe answer. 

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