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Anything Could Happen- Ellie Goulding

"Yes," I answer, blushing. I hope the rest of his questions aren't like this, I'd be redder than a tomato in no time. "Has anyone ever told you that you need to cut your hair?" I smirk at him.

"Yes, plenty of times.  Why? Do you not like my hair?" He is smiling at me so I know I didn't offend him.

"I like your hair actually. It suits you. Then again I have never seen you with short hair either so I have nothing to compare it too," I say, wondering what he would look like with short, curly hair.  Extremely attractive I'm sure.

"What is your ultimate vacation destination?" He asks me, continuing to float around on his back, his chest glistening in the sun. Focus on the sky Abby, focus on the sky.

"Actually, it's England. I've always wanted to go there, ever since I was little." I hope he doesn't think I'm saying that just because that's where he's from. I've actually had dreams of visiting England since I was in elementary school.

"You should, I think you'd love it. You're turn."

"What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?" I asked, still gazing up at the sky.

"Umm, I went skinny dipping once in a hotel pool," he chuckles next to me.

"Seriously?" I ask, shocked. I wasn't expecting him to say that. I figured he would say something like taking a random road trip.  Or maybe that's just me. That's what I'd do, just go on a random road trip to now where in particular. Does that make me boring? Maybe, but who cares.

"Yeah, haven't you ever gone skinny dipping?"

"Is that your question?" I ask him, and after some debating, he nods. "No I haven't."

"Really?" He asks, incredulously. I look over at him and he's no longer on his back, he's standing up, the water just under his shoulders. Most likely over my head. 

"Really." I let my legs sink and I move my arms out around me to keep me afloat. "What family member do you wish you knew better?"

"My dad," he says quietly. I watch his face drop a little, his eyes sadden.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," I apologize, feeling completely awful.

"No, no, it's alright.  My dad left us when I was little. I've seen him four times since I was  seven." He explains and my heart breaks for him.  I know what it's like to lose your father so young. Losing his father was different, his father chose to leave. That must have been just as hard, if not harder, to try and get over.  Knowing that your own father chose to cut you out of his life. 

"I'm so sorry," I reach out and place my hand on his forearm.

"It's ok," he gives me a small smile, "next question." He clears his throat, thing of a question to ask me. "What did people tease you about growing up?"

"Do you even have to ask? My height obviously," I laugh, glad the awkward moment is gone.

"I had a feeling that was it but still asked," he grinned at me, showing off his adorable dimple and perfect teeth.

"If you could break the law right now, and you knew you wouldn't get caught, would you?"

"Um, probably." He chuckles. I probably would too. I mean who wouldn't? "Do you have a recurring dream and what happens in it?"

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