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Abbys POV

Finding it strange that I woke up on my own, without my alarm clock that's also known as Violet or Megan, I laid in bed a little longer, surprised I was even up right now considering I had a hard time falling asleep last night.  I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss Harry and I shared. How perfect it was and how great his lips felt pressed against mine. I didn't want it to end. I swear, even thinking about it now, I can still feel his lips on mine.  I really hope I get to see him today. Danielle and Eleanor said they would see us today so I think it's safe to assume Harry and the rest of the guys would be with them.

After staying in bed long enough I get up and throw on my light teal bikini, putting on a pair of black jean shorts, not bothering to put on a shirt since it already feels like it's a hundred degrees out. I throw my hair up into a messy bun, knowing there wouldn't be much I could do with it since I couldn't take a proper shower and wash it, unless we were able to go back to main campsite. I put on some deodorant and body spray not wanting to stink. I grab a bottle of water and my toothbrush and toothpaste and step out of my tent to brush my teeth. 

The sun was bright as I stood with my feet in the water. I wonder what the plans were for today, if we were going to go out on the boat again or stay here and lay out in the sun. I was kind of hoping we would take a ride back to the main campsite and use their bathrooms and showers. I know we usually just roughed it and went the four days, since it was just us and no one really cared but I think the circumstances have changed just a little. 

I hear movement behind me and turn to see who is up. Violet and Megan walk up to me, hair up like mine and eyes still clouded with sleep.  I rinse my mouth out before smiling and greeting them. 

"Hey, good morning!"

"Why are you so cheery this morning? And why are you up before us?" Violet asks groggily. 

"I don't know, I'm just as surprised as you are," I laugh, knowing exactly why I was in such a good mood. 

"Did something happen last night?" Megan asks, eyeing me curiously.

"Ummm...." I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. I knew I would end up telling them anyways. "Harry and I kissed..."

"Finally!! What took you guys so long?" Megan laughed beside me, sticking her feet in the water. 

"Believe me, I wish it would have happened sooner," I laughed, heading back to my tent to put my toothbrush away. "So what's the plan for today? Are we going to go use the camps showers?"

"I hope so! I will go and ask josh to take us. I could really use a shower! It's been warmer than usual and it feels like I'm practically melting already and I'm sure that is just making me stink even more," we all laugh, walking back towards the camp.

The boys are all sitting around talking football, something I find extremely boring. I never understood sports and didn't really care to learn to understand them. I never did a sport in school knowing I was way to uncoordinated for them. I was better at writing, so that's what I stuck with.

"Hey josh, could we go back to use the camps showers?" Violet asks sweetly, sitting in Josh's lap. I ignore Sean as he sat at the picnic table, staring daggers at me. They way he walked up to me and grabbed me the way he did last night was so uncalled for and so infuriating. I'm pretty sure I would have ripped him a new one if Harry hadn't shown up.

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