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Sugar We're Going Down- Fall Out Boy

Oh no.

I shoot one last look at Megan before taking off towards the beach, her following close behind.

I hit the sand the same time the other girls do, Megan right behind me. I see Harry stand up and brush sand off himself. He looked pissed off and I must admit, it was almost scary. It was such a huge contrast from the Harry that I have gotten to know in the past couple days. I follow his gaze to see who had shoved him and I see Sean, posture tense, chest heaving, looking pissed off himself. I wasn't sure what to do so I just stood there and watched, not sure if anything else was going to happened, praying to god nothing else happened. Josh and Mitch were behind Sean, all watching him carefully, making sure he didn't do anything else. Liam and Niall were doing the same with Harry. Louis was in the middle with his arms stretched out, keeping them separated.

"It's football. People get tackled." Sean says dryly, glaring at Harry.

"This isn't about football, we all know it," Harry spits back, taking a small step forward.

"Then what is it about?" Sean challenged, clearly not wanting to be the first to admit what's really going on. What this whole argument is about.


"Abby." Harry says my name so softly, like he wasn't in the middle of yelling at someone. The girls all look over at me, worry written on all their faces.

I stood there with wide eyes, breathing heavily as I watched this all play out. Having two guys fight over you isn't as great as some people make it seems. Worry coursed through me and I felt like I was on edge.

"It's pathetic how you think you can just waltz right in and take my girl. You've known her for what, two days?" Sean scoffs, an evil smirk on his face. His words make me sick to my stomach. 'My girl'? I was never his girl, even when we were together. He hardly payed any attention to me, only when we were out in public. He is so pathetic.

"Your girl?" Harry laughed, "you two aren't even together and haven't been for the past several months from what I've heard."

"She told you that?"

"We do talk. What do you think we have been doing when we hang out?" Harry pauses, his words sinking in, Seans scowl deepening, "never mind, don't answer that."

"Abby is just confused right now. She lost her best friend five months ago, she needs time to collect herself. I'm not going to let some idiot come in and try and take her from me."

Harry seems at a loss for words. Harry must be connecting the pieces of Sean's words and how I have been acting, narrowing it down to losing my best friend. He blinks a couple times before responding. "I'm an idiot? Do you hear yourself? You have been pushing yourself on Abby, trying to get her back when she has made it painfully obvious that she wants nothing to do with you. I think it's safe to say that you are the idiot." Harry fires. Sean's look goes from angry to deadly in a matter of seconds, launching himself at Harry, pushing Louis out of the way in the process. In the next second Sean's fist connects with Harry's face, the sound of skin connecting with skin was sickening.

I come unglued from my spot and rush over to Harry, who's stumbling back a bit. His look just as deadly. His hand cups the side of his jaw, a trail of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. I grab his other arm and place my hand on his chest, trying to help steady him and hopefully keep him from attacking Sean, which I'm pretty sure he was about to do. Liam and Niall stood ready, both with a hand on Harry's back, as a warning. Josh and Mitch each had one of Sean's arms, keeping him back.

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