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Let's Love ~ Echosmith

Saturday morning we took our time getting ready, not really in a rush since Danielle and Eleanor weren't picking us up into eleven thirty. I was kind of glad to have a bathroom in my bedroom though, it would have been a lot harder trying to share one bathroom between three girls. I did that growing up, not fun at all. 

It was a rather warm day so I decided on some jean shorts and a plain white t-shirt and since we were going to be walking around some I wore my white converse. I did actually do more to my hair than just leaving it down. Violet had begged me to let her do something with it, so she did a simple fishtail braid and had it resting over my shoulder. It looked cute and easy and I will defiantly have to do it again. 

At exactly eleven thirty Danielle texts me, telling me that they are outside. Violet, Megan and I grab our bags and make our way down to their car.  They all get loud and practically yell their hellos, all excited to see each other again. 

"It's been so long! I'm so glad you two are here!" Eleanor says from the passenger seat. Megan, Violet and I squish together in the back seat. 

"Too long! I think the last time we talked you had just gotten a job at some modeling agency? And Danielle you just got a new house?" Violet asks Eleanor and Danielle. They all kept in touch the last year, texting and calling every now and then.  We all made quite the connection last summer.  It was nice to find people that you just connect with and become friends instantly. 

"Right! Yeah, it's been going really well. I have been super busy! This is my first full weekend off in months!" Eleanor laughs.

"Same here. Works been crazy, but good. And you will have to come over and see my house!" Danielle exclaims as she drives us to wherever it is we are going to eat. 

"That's so great! How are you and the boys doing?" Megan asks and Danielle and Eleanor jump in and start talking about their boyfriends.  It was so great to see how they light up at just the thought of them. They were truly in love.

We find ourselves at a small restaurant, that had a relaxed atmosphere and an amazing view of the London Eye. It was incredible and the food smelled amazing.  We were lucky enough to get a seat right by the window so we could look out at the London Eye and watch everyone walking by. I love to people watch, I don't know why, I just do.

"So Abby, how's work going?" Danielle asks after we get our drinks. 

"Great! I've done a couple articles already and my boss seemed to really like them so that's good. I feel really at home their and everyone is super friendly."

"That's so great! Have you seen Harry there?" Eleanor asks, flinching as Danielle kicks her under the table, nudging the table as she did. 

"Actually, he was the photographer for my first article, so we worked together on that.  Besides that, I haven't seen him," I take a nervous sip of my water.

"I see.  Sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up," Danielle apologizes.  It's not her fault, she shouldn't have to worry about bringing Harry up. They are friends and they saw how we were together last summer, it's hard not to bring him up.

"It's alright," I smile reassuringly.

We order our food and we make small talk while we wait. We decide that we will ride the London Eye after lunch and then hit up a few other shops. We continue making small talk while we eat, everyone catching up. After we eat, Danielle gets a text that makes her practically jump out of her seat.  She let out an excited  Yelp before texting fervently away at her phone. We all just kind of look at each other, not really sure what's going on.

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