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(This pic has nothing to do with is chapter but I swear my heart stopped when I saw it. I just had to post it hehe you're welcome :-p )

Headstrong- Trapt

Harry's POV

A month and a half.

A fucking month and a half pregnant.  There's no way this baby is mine.  It can't be. It's not possible.  Michelle and I weren't even together a months and half ago, let along having sex.  I'm beyond pissed right now. I can not wait to get Michelle alone so she can explain all of this.  She better have a good fucking excuse as to why she is trying to pass these babies off as mine.  Abby and I broke up for crying out loud! The last two weeks have been absolute torture for me. Being away from Abby has been killing me. 

I'm so glad when the tech says Michelle can use the bathroom.  She practically runs in, from needing to go pee real bad or because she didn't want to be around me any longer.  I'm sure she knows I know she has been lying.  I'm sure she can feel the anger radiating off of me.  The tech didn't show any signs that she noticed my change in mood and didn't ask any questions. She handed me the few pictures she had printed out and said we were free to leave when Michelle was finished in the bathroom.  Once the tech left, I tossed the  pictures on the exam table, not wanting any part of that. I stood up and started pacing, impatiently waiting to talk with Michelle. 

Michelle walked out and I went to say something but she held up a finger, "Don't.  Not now.  Wait until we aren't in the doctors office." She definitely was nervous now.  I nod and storm out the door.  I don't slow down so she can catch up, I just make my way out of the office and straight to my car.  Michelle gets in a minute later. Even though we came in separate cars, this conversation needed to happen and I wasn't going to wait. Glad she realized that.

"What the fuck Michelle! One and a half months?!?" I don't try to hide how angry I am, she needs to know what she did was unacceptable. 

"Don't yell Harry, I'm stressed out enough. It's not good for the babies." I glare at her when she doesn't answer my questions.  She was right about the stress and since I don't have anything against those tiny specs and just Michelle, I will tone it down a little.

"They aren't mine are they?" I ask, keeping my eyes locked on her.  She can't even look me in the eye. She picks at her the strap on her purse nervously, staying silent. "Answer me goddamn it!" I slam my hand down on the steering wheel, causing her to jump.

"No. Alright, they aren't yours. Happy now?" She narrows her eyes at me, upset that her little plan didn't work out the way she wanted.

"Happy? No I'm pissed. Beyond pissed. How could you lie about something like this.  I lost the one person I loved more than anything in the world because of this!"

"Abby! Abby! Abby! It's always about Abby! The world doesn't revolve around one person you know! God, she's nothing special, why can you see that! You would be better off with me!" Michelle turns around in her seat, hurt and anger evident in her eyes as she looks at me.

"Well my world does revolve around one person.  I'm sorry that isn't you Michelle but you can't just lie about having someone's baby to keep them around! It's despicable!" 

"How else was I suppose to get you to be with me? You were so wrapped up in Abby you never gave us a chance." Michelle's eyes water and I almost feel bad.  Almost, but not quite. 

"Listen, I'm sorry that you feel bitter towards Abby because she's with me, but that doesn't mean that you can go and make up this lie about having my baby to get me to leave her.  Abby will always be it for me.  I would have tried to make things work with you because of those babies, but my heart would have belonged to Abby. Always."

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