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Waste The Night- 5 Seconds Of Summer

Harry's POV

I got worried when Abby didn't return from her tent. It's been longer than five minutes and she still hasn't returned. I'm glad I went looking for her when I did. I managed to catch Sean grab Abby's arm and her yank it away. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying because of the music Niall was playing but by the look on Abby and Sean's faces, it didn't look like it was a nice conversation.

When we get back to the fire, I take my seat and before Abby can sit in hers I grab her by the waist and pull her over into my lap. I felt this need to be close to her, to protect her. She didn't protest to my actions and when she started covering our laps with her blanket, I knew she was fine with this new seating arrangement.

"Where's Sean?" Mitch asks no one in particular, looking around.

Abby shrugs her shoulders, "he was just down at the beach but I think he took off."

"Where did he go?" Josh asks this time.

"I don't know and don't really care at the moment," Abby stares off into the fire and hoping to comfort her, I rest my hand on top of her thigh. He bare thigh. I forgot she was wearing shorts. Maybe having her sit on my lap wasn't such a good idea.

"Did some thing happen?" Josh asks, sitting up straighter now, looking worried.

"Not really. We didn't have a very friendly conversation. I don't really want to talk about it." Abby brushes it off and leans back into my chest more, wrapping her right arm around my shoulder. She smelled like the sun and coconut, it was very intoxicating. Her body felt right. The way she sat sideways, with her legs crossed over mine, her arm around me, my arm around her waist while my other rested on her thigh. It all felt natural, and right.

I don't think she could get anymore perfect. We had a lot in common, we got along really well so far, my friends seem to like her and she got along with Danielle and Eleanor really well. I know it's only been a day but I couldn't deny my feeling for Abby any longer. I liked her. A lot. And I really looked forward to getting to know her better. I really wanted to drag her away and go for another walk but I felt like we should stay for a little while and hang out with everyone. Later I will though.

"Any requests?" Niall asks, strumming a few notes, looking around at everyone, smirking over at Danielle and Eleanor who then turned to smile at Violet and Megan. They all turned to look over at us. I look over at Abby and she's frowning, obviously as confused as I am.

"Why are you guys looking at us like that?" Abby speaks up.

"Like what? Anything you want Niall to play?" Violet asks sweetly. To sweetly. Somethings was up.

"Nope, you guys can decided." Abby said, leaning into me.

"Great! Niall, do you know Kiss Me Again?" Violet asks and I feel Abby stiffen as she sits up straighter.

"Of course I do, but it's a duet. Who's going to sing with me?" Niall asks, voice a little too cheery. I don't like how everyone is looking like they are up to something.

"Oh I know!" Megan snaps her fingers, "how about you Abby? You used to sing this song all the time during open mic nights with Mike. You should sing it now." I watch as Abby's eyes go wide before narrowing at Megan. I caught on to what their plan was.

And it was to get Abby to sing.

"I don't know guys..." She started to protest.

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