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Is There Somewhere- Halsey

Abby's POV

I laid in bed wide awake, staring at the dull material of my tent. I couldn't shut my mind off.  I kept thinking about running into Harry our first night here and spending time with him the last few days and getting to know him. How this all seems like some dream I'm about to wake up from. Or some nightmare because clearly dreams don't end where the guy you are falling for leaves you.

It's a mixture of the adrenalin still coursing through me from tonight, playing the guitar and singing, having a good time and knowing how much I'm going to miss Harry that is keeping me awake.  And maybe the fact that we decided that we weren't going to do a late night walk like we have been since he has to get up early and pack everything up. And just knowing that he was a mile away from me, laying in his own tent sleeping and dreaming of who knows what, bugged me. I had a urge to just walk over there and stay with him. I mean, this is our last night together.

I jolt out of bed, knowing that is exactly what I want to do. I quickly grab a pair of my short yoga shorts and a plain teal tank top, getting dressed faster than I ever have before thanks to my newfound determination.  I wasn't go to just stay in my tent, trying and failing at falling asleep, I wasn't going to waste what little time we have together. I threw on my flip flops and grabbed my flashlight and barged out of my tent, forgetting for a second that my friends were all sleeping. Slowing down a little, as quietly as I could, I zipped my tent back up and made my way down the beach, towards Harry.

The night was cool and I cursed myself for not bringing a sweater. Harry's sweater, the one he gave me earlier today. I really hope he doesn't ask for it back and I am definitely not reminding him that I have it. If I don't get to be with him after this, then at least I'll have something of his.

The wind whipped my hair around as I walked as quickly as I could, trying not to fall on any rocks. Occasionally a loon would call out, scaring me half to death. I remember when I was little and when we were here, I got scared that there was a wolf outside our tent, but come to find out it was just a loon. Still to this day I still get a little freaked out. Besides the loons, the only sound was the lapping of the waves created by the wind, and the rustling of trees, and the occasional course from me when I would trip on a rock. When I finally make it to the sand on Harry campsite, I slow down just a little, not wanting to wake anyone up. I hear a rustling up ahead and something that sounded like a low grunt....

Oh. My. God.

I cover my face for a second, hoping I could just disappear and forget what I just heard. I don't know if it was Liam and Danielle or Louis and Eleanor but either way, I wish I could erase the last few minutes from my mind. Determined even more to get to Harry, I continue my way down the beach. I finally get to his tent, the sounds from before just as easy to hear over here then it was right next to their tent. I shake my head, determined to ignore it. I stood there staring at Harry's tent, not sure what I should do, it's not like I could knock and calling out to him may alert everyone.

"Abby?" I whip to my right, my flashlight landing on a pair of legs, tattoos adorning his ankles. I instantly relax when I realize it was just Harry.

"Hey," I smile shyly at him, hoping I'm not bothering him by being here.

"What are you doing here? Are you alright?" He asks, stepping closer to me and cupping both sides of my face. His eyes danced back and forth between mine, concern etched in his every feature.

"I'm fine, I just...missed you. I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to waste these last moments together by being so far away," I admit honestly, placing my hands against his chest, making sure to point the flashlight down so I don't blind him.

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