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I can't even figure out a song to put for this chapter, ugh!

The past month has been great, a little crazy but great. Work has picked up as I have been handed more responsibility now that I've had enough time to learn the swing of things.  Harry's job has also gotten busier, keeping him later at work and A&H taking more of his time as well. I spent a lot of nights with him at A&H, helping out any way I can. I really got to know his mother, who was the sweetest lady anyone could ever meet and his sister Gemma was becoming such a great friend.  We haven't had any more drama with Michelle which was nice. Harry and I saw Evan once when he stopped by one night at A&H to grab some of his things that he left in his locker.  Not much was said but I still felt uncomfortable. 

Even though Harry and I have been super busy, we made time for each other. We would grab dinner, or catch a movie if we had a night off. We spent a lot of time cuddled in bed watching movies and talking. Ok, maybe not always talking but we did spend a great deal of time talking about life and where we wanted to go as a couple, where we saw us as a couple years from now. 

That night when we both said I love you, something changed. Our relationship grew stronger. I felt closer to Harry, I felt more alive, knowing he loved me.  Even just thinking about makes my heart race. To be graced with the love of a man as great as Harry, as sweet and charming and loyal as Harry, is just incredible. He's been extra giddy since then too, smiling a lot more, way more playful and sweet. Being in love with someone and knowing they loved you back was magical, it made you feel like you were on cloud nine.  My feelings for Harry have always been strong and knowing they are reciprocated made me more than ecstatic.

I still made regular phone calls home and spoke with Megan and Violet on a daily basis. My mother got a little upset when I told her about Harry, automatically jumping to the conclusion that he was the reason why I moved to England. After explaining everything to her from the beginning, telling her about how we met a year ago and how strongly our feelings grew for each other, and I explained how we ended things and how we ended up finding out way back together. She was happy for me and glad I found someone to share my heart with. My sisters were excited, ever since I told them about Harry they have been dying to know what happened between us since I moved.

The one thing I will miss this year will be camping. Harry and I just couldn't get the time off. We have just started at our job and it wouldn't feel right to ask for the time off. I was disappointed but it is what it is. We made the promise to everyone that we would go the following year. Danielle, Eleanor, Louis, Liam and Niall were all going since it was easier for them to take time off. At least they will all be able to spend some time with my group of friends back home.  Violet and Megan were upset but they understood and are holding me to my promise to go next year. 

Since the gang here would be leave in a few days we decided to have a little get together tonight, seeing as how we won't be seeing them for a week.  Since it was Saturday, Harry was at A&H until about noon and in the mean time I was at Harrys place tidying up a bit. His place was a little bit bigger than mine and far nicer. We spent a fair amount of time at each other's place and we kind of brushed up on the subject of moving in together. It was a huge step but one I felt that we were ready to take. 

I took time off from A&H tonight so I could get ready for tonight. I already went to the store and picked up some drinks and some snack foods. Now I was throwing in a load of Harrys laundry in and while that was going, I will do his dishes.  He was fairly neat for a man but he was still a man and still put things off for awhile, like the dishes.  So while I scrubbed and rinsed his dishes I sang one of my songs that I've been working on.

Hope (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now