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Heartbeat- Carrie Underwood (country, I know, so kill me. I have an eclectic taste in music, nothing wrong with that :-P it's a good song, you should listen to it if you haven't already)  and the song is perfect for the mood of this chapter, so give it a listen while you read!

Smut warning, very bad smut, but smut nonetheless. So if you don't want to read it, just skip this chapter. First and final warning. :)

It's not your fault.

That's twice now that I've heard those words. Violet said them to me when I had my breakdown the other day and just now, from Harry. I tried believing Violet, I did, but I still had that small hint of doubt in the back of my mind, keeping me from fully believing her. Hearing it now though, after talking with Harry, realizing he faced the same issue Hope did and how he explained to me that if she was feeling the same way he did, there wasn't anything anyone could have done or said to stop her from getting into that car, I finally felt a sense of relief, like that anvil of guilt has been lifted from my chest and I could finally breath. I finally believe that it wasn't my fault that Hope had lost her life that night. That I did all I could. I think Harry saw my resolve and pulled me into his chest, where he held me me tight and told me everything would be alright.

I cursed whatever God had brought Harry and I together, letting us form this connection and having us help each other in a big, important way, just to have us separate and perhaps never see each other again. Why bring two people together and have them feel like they found the person they belong with just to have them torn apart again? The world seems really unfair and cruel right now.

The clouds blocked out the sun completely by the time we pulled apart. Even though it was only early afternoon, the dark clouds making it look like it was late evening. The sound of distant thunder could be heard over the crashing of the waves, the wind picking up sometime during our long conversation. The air was a lot chillier now and I shivered. I reached for my sweater, pulling it on as Harry pulled on his T-shirt.

"Maybe we should head back down before it.....rains..." Harry suggests, just as we get hit by a couple rain drops.

I nod, "great idea!" I stand up real quick, picking up the blanket after Harry steps off of it, folding it up and tucking it under my arm. Harry picks up the cooler of food, that we had thankfully packed up right after we finished eating, and we made our way back to the beach.

The lack of sun made it a lot more difficult to see as we made our way down, the wind howling through the trees as the rain picked up. Thankfully we had the cover of the trees shielding us from the falling rain drops, only a few breaking through the leaves to fall on us, wetting the ground as we quickly made our way down the steep slope. I had to pick my spots carefully, the ground now slick and my flip flops didn't make it easier going down hill on muddy ground. Harry was close behind me as we near the end of the slope, signing in relief as we finally make it to flat ground, only having one near fall. Harry takes my hand just as we burst through the trees.

The rain was coming down hard, looking like sheets of glass coming down from the sky, obscuring everything around us. The cool rain creating a slight haze around us at it hit the hot sand. We could just make out the tents on the beach and I let Harry lead me to what I was assuming was his tent, I couldn't really be sure since I couldn't see five feet in front of me.

By the time we make it to Harry's tent we are both soaking wet, my hair plastered to my face. We stop outside the tent, Harry dropping the cooler in the sand before pushing back his drenched hair. He reaches down and quickly unzips his tent only for it to get stuck. A loud clap of thunder making me jump.

"Are you fûcking kidding me?!?" Harry yells, frustrated that this would happen at this exact moment, when we are both getting completely soaked.

Hope (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now