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History- One Direction

The next five days flew by. I think it was because I was so excited to see Violet and Megan. Seeing them is just what I need to help get me over this funk I'm in and hopefully help me figure out what it is I'm doing, because I am so lost right now.  Being around friends and having fun will keep me occupied and raise my spirits.

I woke up super early, hardly able to sleep last night because I was so anxious. I shower faster than I ever have before, apply some light makeup and after blow drying my hair I throw it up into a messy bun and call it good. I slide on some dark blue, high waisted jeans and put on my black crop top and pick out a pair of black pumps. I dig my vintage jean jacket out of my closet and slide that on. I cannot wait to go shopping and have some much needed girl time. I have a feeling Megan and Violet will be too tired to do much tonight so we will do some fun stuff starting tomorrow.

Evan picks me up and we hop into his new white Escalade. It was huge and way to much vehicle for my liking. I mean, who needs such a huge vehicle? His choice though, I'm sure he will be bored with this in another six months anyways.

After an hour of driving, Evan and I pull into the Heathrow airport parking lot. Just as I unbuckle, I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

From Violet- we just landed! Waiting to get off the plane and get our luggage!

To Violet- we just got here! Meet you by the baggage claim! Woo!

I'm practically skipping my way into the airport, stuck between wanting to rush inside like I was crazy and to walk in like a normal person. Evan was laughing at how excited I was, telling me how I was cute when I got excited.  Things between us have been pretty good the last several days. We haven't seen each other a whole lot since he has been busy with work but we found some time.  I'm excited for Violet and Megan to meet him and for them to tell me what they think of him.

I figure out what baggage claim they will be at and I make my way over to wait for them.  Evan and I find a bench to sit at but I can't sit still so I start pacing back and forth in front of him, never taking my eyes off the hall where they will walk out of. I earn my self some weird glances as I'm pacing but I ignore them and focus on picking my friends out of the crowd that's started making their way down the ramp. It felt like I have been pacing forever before I hear my name.

"ABBY!!"  I hears Violet's loud voice and I find her instantly, mostly likely because she was waving her hands back and forth like a lunatic.  I see Megan right behind her, laughing at how crazy she was. As I make me way towards them I found myself laughing with them at their excitement and crying at the same time.  We all meet up right in front of the baggage claim, all three of us coming together in a group hug, each one of us crying.  Neither on of us let go, we stayed blocking part of the baggage claim for I don't know how long, ignoring mumblings of rude comments. 

Once we do break apart, all our eyes are a little red from crying, we break out laughing.  It's crazy how much you can miss someone when it's only been two weeks.  But they were my best friends so I guess it made sense.  I stand between them, Megan on my right and Violet on my left, holding one of their hands in mine, and we wait for their luggage to come around. 

"So where's this boy of yours?" Violet asks, turning her head to look behind us.  I turn and look, finding Evan now standing up against the wall by the exit, he was smirking over at us. I let go of Violet's hand and waved to him, watching him wave back.

"That's him, the one leaning up against the wall, who just waved," I point out, smiling.

"That's him? The one with the curly blondish hair?" Violet asks, turning around to look at me with wide eyes.

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