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Jesus Christ- Brand New


The last four weeks flew by and now here I am, standing in line with my fellow classmates, all dressed in our red cap and gowns, waiting for our names to be called. I hardly had time to blink before we were done with finals and I was working my last day at the the Boston Herald. That was an emotional day, saying good bye to people that have helped me so much, especially Emily, who has provided me with the best opportunity I could ever ask for. I owe her everything, if she didn't send in that application for me, I would never have worked up the nerve to do it myself and I wouldn't be leaving for London in a week.

I look out into the crowd of people, all sitting under the warm May sun, and find my mom, Audrey, Aria and Michael sitting a few rows back from the front. I give them a small wave before facing forward and listen to the names being called. I clap a little louder for my friends when their names were called, finding it hard to believe that we all finally made it. We were graduating college and going on to bigger, better things. Even though we were all kind of heading in different directions, or I was heading in a different direction, I knew that we will all still be close friends, best friends. I would actually still like to get together every year at the end of August like we have been doing for the past four years. I think spending a few days camping with friends every year will be just the thing to keep us all from drifting apart.

I hear my name being called, waking me up from my daydream. I walk forward, following the path they showed us at rehearsal, shaking hands with the dean and other professors, accepting my diploma. I turn around and my face feels like it's going to split in half, I'm smiling to wide. This is the moment I've been dreaming about my entire life, what I've worked so hard to accomplish, the moment where I was handed the key to my future, the key that would open up many possibilities for me. It seems like everything is falling into place, following the map I had planned out for myself. There were a few bumps in the road, losing Hope and them meeting and losing Harry, but I managed and still survived.

I look out into the crowd again, finding my mother and sisters, seeing Violet and Megan clapping all just as excited as I am, and know that I wouldn't have been able to do this without them. They have all been my support through all of this, being there for me when I needed them, helping overcome the difficult situations, being someone to talk to. They were all my best friends, as well as family. It's going to be hard not having them around and having to find a way to cope without them. I know I will have Danielle and Eleanor but I'm not as close to them as I am with Violet and Megan, though I'm sure with time I will be. It's just going to be a rough few months after moving.

After everyone is called and we all have our diplomas, everyone cheers and throws their caps up in the air like in all those cheesy high school movies. I find Megan and Violet and we all hug before going off to find our parents. I find my mom and sisters standing by where they were sitting, making it easier for me to find them.

"Oh honey! Congratulations! We are so proud of you!" I mom rushes over to me when she spots me, crying before she even makes it to me. She hugs me so tightly to her that it was hard for me to breath.

"Don't cry mom," I laugh, pulling back, finally able to breath again.

"I can't help it, another one of my babies is all grown up," she sniffs and we all laugh. I hug her again before going and hugging Aria and Audrey and even Michael. He has always been pretty shy so he doesn't say much and usually stays in the background.

"Congrats little sister, welcome to the world of adulthood," she chuckles and pats me on the back after hugging me.

"Thanks," I say before Aria wraps her arms around me.

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