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Hey! So sorry I haven't updated for so long! It has been so crazy with the holidays and trying to get everything done. I'm glad I can finally breath now and get back to writing for you amazing people! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Smoke n' Mirrors- Syd Youth

Louis falls back and starts talking with the rest of the guys as I continue to walk ahead. I wonder what happened to Harry to change him? Whatever it was, I am helping him, somehow.

Like he is helping me.

He is helping me, there's no point in denying it.  I'm sure all my friends can see the change in me in the short amount of time Harry and I have spent together.  I don't know what it is that's drawing us together. Maybe it's because we both have demons in our past that are haunting us? Maybe we can sense that we are both somehow damaged and are drawn to that? Whatever it was, it was strong and I was unable to ignore it. 

I let out an embarrassing squeak when two hands clamp around my sides, causing me to jump almost ten feet into the air.  Once back on the ground, I spin around and glare at whoever just did that. 

Harry stood behind me, arms clutched around his stomach as he laughed. Glad he found it funny. I take the two steps to him and smack his shoulder, only making him laugh even more. 

"I can't believe you did that! You scared me half to death!" I huff, crossing my arms to make it look like I really was upset. He saw me pouting and he stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was going to scare you that much," he sounded really concerned and he opened his arms up, like he was going to hug me, and I took that as my opening.  I reached out, like I was going to hug him, but instead of wrapping my arms around his waist, I attacked his sides, causing a loud bark of laughter to erupt from his perfect lips. His whole body tensed and his arms dropped to his sides, trying to protect him self.  I just started laughing, glad I got my revenge. 

"Oh you aren't getting away with that!" He growled when he finally stopped laughing, taking a small step towards me. 

"Hey I was only getting you back for scaring me," I raise my arms defensively, "Which, if you think about it, is the second time you've scared me, so I think you're getting off easy. You should be grateful," I smirk at him. 

He looks at me skeptically before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side. We continue walking back, the rest of the guys, at some point, passed us and are now walking ahead, tossing the football Niall retrieved from the lake back and forth.

"So what was Louis talking to you about?" He looks down at me, eyes locking with mine as I look up at him. I debate for a second on whether I should tell him or not but decided against it, figuring it might upset him knowing Louis sort of hinted that something happened that changed him.

I shrug my shoulders, "nothing really, just that he likes me because I give him sass right back." I chuckle and see Harry shake his head.

"Everyone needs to give it back to him otherwise he will get out of control. He thinks he's the funniest person on the planet," he laughs.

"I am the funniest person on the planet you fool," Louis yells as he throws the football, hitting Harry right in he chest. I didn't even realize he was close enough to hear our conversation. I need to start paying more attention to the world around me, no matter how distracting Harry's presence is.

"Keep thinking that," Harry says, removing his arm from my shoulder so he could bend down and pick up the football. After throwing the ball back to Louis, he slipped his hand in mine, running his thumb over the back of my hand. I couldn't help but smile at the sweet gesture.

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