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You and I- One Direction

Michelle's pregnant.

I fumble my way back to the couch, my legs suddenly weak. I'm to shocked to speak. What would I even say? Congratulations? No. This was a disaster. This is going to ruin everything Harry and I have. It was like one thing after another. I though all our trouble with Michelle was over. She seemed to have moved on, with Evan of all people. Evan!

"Are you sure it's yours? She's been with Evan..." I trail off at the end when I see Harrys face drop some more. I hate this sad look, mixed with anger and disappointment.

"She says she's a little over two months pregnant. It's not Evans." His voice is low and weary, definitely not holding the same happiness and life it held not even ten minutes ago.

So it is Harrys.

What is this going to mean for us? Will we be over? Is he going to go back with Michelle so he can be with the mother of his child or will he stay with me and still be an involved father? I would love to say I know what Harry will do, but right now I have no idea what is running through his head. Shit, I can't even make sense of everything running through my head right now. I want to comfort Harry and tell him everything is going to be fine and things will work out but then I also want to yell at him for being so irresponsible. I mean, I would love to see Harry do the right thing and go support the mother of his child and be with her. Harry's a gentleman, he always has been and I think that's what he will do. Even though the thought of harry going back to Michelle makes me sick to my stomach, I have to let him make this decision for himself.

I wasn't expecting this. I had no idea when waking up this morning I would have to deal with whether or not I'll be losing my boyfriend to a girl he hates, just because they didn't use protection. I mean, I have been on birth control for awhile now and Harry and I just stopped using condoms. Why would he not use protecting and not be sure whether she was protecting herself or not? Why put yourself at risk for an unwanted pregnancy?

Maybe she's lying? I wouldn't put it past Michelle to do something like this after seeing how jealous she was that Harry chose me over her. But to lie about something like this is just horrible, you don't just mess with people's lives like this.

Harry is still pacing back and forth in front of me, his hands clenched at his sides, a far off look in his eyes. I wish there was something I could do but I think just letting me calm down on his own is the best idea right now. With how angry he is, I think I would only make things worse so I am just going to sit back and let him cool down.

Harry and I haven't even discussed if either of us wanted kids in the future. I don't even know how he feels about kids. I haven't seen his interact with kids so I can't say if he's good with them or not. I hate that I don't know this. After everything we have talked about, everything we have discussed, the topic of kids was never brought up. Now I wish I had, so I would have a better idea where his head was right now. For all I knew, he could be pacing back and forth saying he doesn't like kids over and over. I have no idea.

A phone ringing jumped me, interrupting the silence that surrounded Harry and I. When I notice it wasn't Harrys I rush over to the kitchen and grab my phone. When I see it was Danielle calling, I answer it, knowing I had to tell them tonight wasn't a good night.

"Hey, Danielle," I say, trying to sound normal and not like had just had the biggest bomb drop on him.

"Hey Abby! I was just calling to see what you wanted us to bring tonight?"

"Uh, actually I was going to call you and tell you guys that tonight isn't a good night. I know you guys are leaving tomorrow but um somethings going on right now and its just a really bad time." I really hate to have to cancel their little going away party but with what Michelle just dropped on Harry, I don't think he will be in the mood for company tonight.

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