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Jealous- Nock Jonas
Little Things- One Direction

Abby's POV

One minute I'm dancing, having a good time, feeling Harry's hands grip my waist as we move together, seeing his lust filled gaze as he watches my body move. The alcohol flowing in my veins making me feel light and sexy. Then the next minute my blood is boiling, the alcohol burning out, sobering me up in seconds.   The light, carefree mood I felt just moments ago evaporates the instant my eyes land on Evan.

He's standing in the next room over, dressed in a ridiculous Zoro costume, complete with a stupid cape.  I was fuming. I never wanted to lay eyes on him ever again. Looking at home makes me sick to my stomach.  I know Harry has noticed my reason for freezing since he's standing rigid next to me, staring daggers at Evan. Who hasn't noticed us yet, thankfully.

Oops, spoke to soon.

Evan glances over and when he sees me a smug smirk breaks out across his face. I know I already slapped him once but I felt another strong urge to do it again.  What he did to me, the things he said to me were horrible and unforgivable.  Evan shoots me a wink and Harry unfreezes and takes a step forward.

"That fucking prick!" He starts stalking off towards Evan, dodging people as he did.  I rush forward and grab his arm, pulling with all my might to get him to stop. 

"Harry! Stop!" I yell, making sure he could hear me over the thumping music.  Reluctantly, harry stops, running his hands threw his hair out of frustration.  He turns around slowly and looks at me, letting out a huff breath, relaxing slightly. 

"I'm sorry. What he did to you just....makes me so angry," he growls. I reach up and run my hands up his arms, holding on to is upper arms. Any other time I would marvel in the way touching him makes my skin tingle but now is not the time for such thoughts.

"I know, it makes me angry too, but going over there and confronting him isn't going to change anything. It's only going to cause a scene," I try to reason with him. He looks torn. Stuck between wanting to go over there and mess Evans face up and staying here with me and taking the more mature approach. I know I'd like to punch Evan more than anyone, but causing a scene in front of hundreds of people and possibly embarrassing Danielle wasn't something I wanted to do.

"I know, I know," he runs his hands through is hair again, "why the fuck is he here anyways?" Harry growls. Seeing him this worked up and wanting to protect me was, to me, extremely attractive.

"I don't know." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I happen to glance behind Harry and if I thought I was shocked at seeing Harry, the next thing I saw was even more shocking.

Michelle walks in, wearing a skimpy version of a Zoro costume. She walks right up to Evan, throwing her arms around his neck. I watch them stand together, his hands practically groping her ass as she pressed into him. God, now I think I'm going to be sick. Now I know why he's here. He's Michelle's freaking date. I guess he found his new girl of the week. Can't say I'm surprised though. They are both horrible people, they deserve each other.

"Let's just go find the rest of the guys and forget we even saw him," I beg, taking his hand and pulling him out the door. I was hoping we could sneak by Michelle and Evan without any confrontation, letting the crowd of people be our cover, but no such luck. Of course.

"Harry?!" Michelle's annoying voice was easily heard over the music. Harry's hand grips mine tighter and I feel his chest press against my back as he tried pushing us faster through the crowd of people. Why is there so many people here! This is nuts! I know Harry recognized who it was calling out for him as he seemed very urgent to get us away from her. But Michelle was persistent if anything. Which was rather annoying really.

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