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Sugar- Robin Schulz (I have become addicted to this song!!)

Harry's POV

The last four days have been absolutely incredible.  Finally getting back together with Abby and spending the last four days with her, staying up late talking, catching up on the last year, talking about anything and everything, has been such a blessing. There was no holding back with her and she felt comfortable enough with me to talk about anything. Being able to see her smile everyday and light up when I look at her is exactly what I missed.  That and the feel of her body under mine.  How I missed that closeness, that connection. It's like our bodies fit perfectly together, knowing exactly what to do to drive the other  absolutely crazy. 

Like the way she bites her lip and gets that mischievous gleam in her eye drives me wild, or the way she runs her hands through my hair and tugs gently at the ends, the small moans she lets out whenever I kiss right below her ear. The way her body responds to mine drives me wild with desire. I love knowing that my touch alone sets her body on fire, like hers does to me. Just thinking about it gets me all worked up.

I was worried when she noticed my tattoo.  I don't know why. Maybe I thought she was going to think I was crazy or obsessed or something negative.  I was relieved when she said she liked it.  Hearing her say she felt the same way I did was music to my ears. Even though I've heard her say it before, hearing it again was just as gratifying.

It's amazing to me how attached one can get to someone. Like how their every move become amazing, every laugh, every smile, every word spoken, brings you to your knees.   My every thought was consumed by Abby. Every waking minute I spent without her I was thinking about her. I don't care how crazy it made me look, I was crazy.  Crazy for Abby. She was the most perfect girl and perfect for me. We complimented each other.

There is no doubt in my mind that I have completely fallen for Abby. 

It's now Saturday night and Danielle was dragging everyone to some work party. Which happens to be a costume party. Why a costume party in the middle of July is beyond me, but Abby was excited about it so I was going.  I guess we were dressing up a vampires. Not the cape wearing vampires or the sparkly vampires from twilight, but the 'hot kind of vampire' according to Abby. She mentioned something about Vampire Diaries and someone named Damon but I've never seen that show so I had no idea what she was talking about, which earned me an incredulous look and a promise to have a Vampire Diaries marathon soon.  I wasn't  all that excited about it but seeing how excited Abby got made me happy and I'd do anything if it made her happy. 

"You make one hot vampire Harry," Abby giggles as she adds some fake blood to the corner of my mouth.  Her giggle made me smile. "Don't move! You'll ruin it, you have to let it dry." Abby scolds me and I drop my smile. I watch her as she fusses over getting ready, adding finishes touches to her makeup and fake blood. She had on a sexy, black dress that went to the middle of her thighs.  It was skin tight and showed off her shoulders. It had a lacy patter at the top and continued down her arms. It was sexy, yet not too revealing.  She had puffed out her hair, giving it a messy look. She gave us Both a paler complexion  and added the fake blood coming out of the corner of our mouths. I'd let her bite my neck if she was really a vampire, she wouldn't have to compel me.

I'm currently lounged across her bed as she fluffs up her hair a bit more and pulls at her dress.  She looks amazing but I can tell she's feeling a bit self conscious, I can see it in her eyes. I get up off her bed and walk over to her and wrap my arms around her, pressing my chest to her back.  I nuzzle her neck, placing small kisses down her soft skin until I get to her shoulder.  I feel her relax into me, leaning her head back onto my shoulder. I feel her body shiver as I kiss her skin. Her sweet smell driving me wild. 

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