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Hollow-Tori Kelly

I had to work Monday and Tuesday so Violet and Megan had to fend for themselves while I was gone. I had Wednesday off though so I could take them to the airport. I can't believe they have to leave already. Time sure did fly, but I guess that's what happens when boy drama seems to take over your life. Violet, Megan and I talked a lot about what happened this past weekend with Evan and finally coming to realize that Harry was it for me.  That there wasn't going to be anyone else for me. There was no way I'd be able to fall for someone when my heart was taken by someone else.  I shouldn't have even tried to hide my feelings, it would have save both Harry and I a lot of misery.

Since I dont have to work Wednesday and it was Violet and Megan's last night, we were getting ready to go spend the evening at Danielle's house. She was throwing a little party, a kind of goodbye party. From what Danielle said it was just going to be us girls and Niall, Louis and Liam and most likely Harry. Which is why I was freaking out about what to wear. Tonight will be the first night seeing Harry since Saturday and to say I was nervous was an understatement. I had no idea what to say to him or how to even act around him. What do I do, just run up to him and confess how much of an idiot I've been and that I'm still crazy about him?

God I'm so nervous!

"Will you just pick something already, we are going to be late," Violet complains as she lays across my bed, flipping through a magazine. I've gone through a dozen outfits and nothing seemed good enough. I just bought a few new outfits and I have a closet full of clothes, yet I can't seem to find anything to wear.

"I'm sorry, I just can't decide what to wear," I huff, going through my clothes once again, getting more frustrated with each clothes hanger I moved.

"Harry isn't going to care what you are wearing, you know," she said slyly.

"Shut up and help me," I whine from inside my closet.

"Fine," she mimics my whine as she gets up and walks over to help me. I stand back as she does her thing. She goes through my clothes for a couple minutes before handing me my black leather skirt and my lacy, sleeveless top.

"See, what would I do without you?" I smile at her and kiss her check quickly before rushing to get changed.

After I get changed real quick, i smooth out my hair and check my make up. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, hoping it will calm my nerves. It doesn't. Megan and Violet both tried assuring me that I had nothing to be afraid of, that Harry feels the same way. I'm still nervous though, I mean, he may feel the same way I do, but this is the first time seeing him and actually allowing myself to feel the feelings I felt last summer, it makes everything different.

"Abby! Let's go! We are late!" I hear Megan yell. One more deep breath. I walk back out to my bedroom and slip on a pair of black heels and grab my grey jacket. It's now or never.

The drive over to Danielle's place was a lot quicker than I remember. My heart was hammering in my chest. I thank the taxi driver, handing him some money, before climbing out of the car.

"What the hell Abby? You're shaking," Violet points out, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and rubbing her hand up and down my arm.

"I'm so freaking nervous," I admit, looking at the cars in the driveway. There were four cars, one was Danielle's and I didn't recognize the other vehicles. One could be Harrys.  He could be inside right now, looking all perfect and hot. I'm going to walk in there and be a complete mess.  Why does he do this to me?

"You need to calm down Abby. There's no reason to be so nervous, you and Harry belong together,' Violet says, giving my arm one more reassuring squeeze before letting go and taking my hand, pulling me up the walkway.

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