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(Harry and Michelle)

Demons- Imagine Dragons

Abby's POV

Evan and I stumble through the door, soaking wet from the rain. We couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous we both looked, our hair drenched and sticking to our faces. I pull at my shirt, pulling the wet fabric as it clung to my body.  Evan had a huge smile on his face and a soft, gentle look in his eyes. He reached up and gently pushed my wet hair off my face. Such a simple act but but one that my pulse jump.

"Evan! You made it!" A woman with dark brown hair, who looks strangely familiar. "And who's this?" She turns to me and smiles. I can't put my finger on it. Have I met her before?

"Abby," I hold my hand out to her to shake. "I saw your ad about needing volunteers. I was hoping to be able to volunteer on the weekends."  The woman shakes my hand, her smile never wavering.

"I'm Anne, one of the founders of this wonderful place. My son should be around here somewhere. And I'm so glad you came in, we really need help on the weekends." She looked behind her, probably looking for her son.

"This place is amazing," I tell her, looking around. The place looks great. There were private rooms along the back wall, there was a group area to one side with chairs formed in a circle.  There was a small kitchen area, complete with a small fridge and stove and a sink. What really captured my attention was the photograph that seemed to take up one entire wall. It was of a lake, the water sparkling as the sun bounced off it. One side you could see part of a beach, the sand rocky with logs and large tree branches randomly thrown about.  That looks an awful lot like South Arm Campground. That's strange. Maybe Anne and her son found it on the Internet.

"It was all my sons idea. He designed this whole place," she smiled and I could see how much it meant to her to be doing this with her son. "Let's go find him actually, he should be here. Probably in his office." She waves her hand for us to follow. Evan grabs my hand and we walk together towards the back of the building, towards a long hallway. We stand off to the side as Anne peaks her head around the corner.

"There you are sweetie, I have someone I'd like you to meet," Anne says to someone I can't see. A second goes by without hearing any response, I did hear a thud, like someone stubbed their toe or hit their elbow on the wall. I looked up at Evan, confused as to why something felt off. He just shrugged his shoulders. I could feel water dripping down my back so I let go of Evans hand and tried and wring out the ends of my hair.

I look up when I hear some shuffling and I froze. I couldn't breath, it was like all the oxygen was sucked out of the room. My heart started beating erratically in my chest as I tried to control my breathing. Harry. Harry was standing right in front of me, not even ten feet in front of me. I could reach out and touch him if I wanted to. But I won't. I can't. It feels like my whole body is shaking. He doesn't look at me, keeping his eyes casted down towards his feet.

My eyes roam over him quickly, taking in the small changes. His hair is either shorter or is just stuffed under the dark green beanie he is wearing.  He's not as tan as he was last summer but his skin is still as perfect as I remember.  He looks really good, especially in those black skinny jeans. He's wearing a loose grey t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up a bit, showing off all of his tattoos.  Beside the dark circles under his eyes, he looks just as amazing as he did the last time I saw him.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to think. He was the last person who I thought I'd see here.  I pick at my nails as I try to rein in my thoughts, my emotions. It feels like my there's a current of electricity running all over my skin, like my nerves are hypersensitive, like I'm about to jump out of my skin.

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