Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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So, ending this book has hit me a lot harder than my other two books, I don't know why. I think it may because I'm happier with this one and how it turned out. It has been an amazing journey getting to know Abby and Harry and falling in love with them as they fell in love with each other. It was a rough bumpy road but they made it!!

I want to say a huge thank you to every single person, even the silent ones, who have been with me throughout this incredible journey and has supported me since the very beginning.  I wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys! You are all so amazing and I really can't thank you enough! Your support and kind words have made this even more special and has meant the world to me!

Ok now I am tearing up.... Phew. Alright. I'm good.

So I have another idea for a book that I have been brewing over for the last couple weeks. I have been slowly fiddling away at it, getting an outline started and what not.  I'm hoping to try and get it started next week. If I have time! We are starting the building process on our house and we will literally be moving in like three months! That's so fast!!!! I can't even believe it! So I'm definitely stressing over that, taking care of my daughter, trying to find time for packing, finishing up getting our old house ready to show to people that may buy it,  also starting a new job in a couple of weeks (which will leave me even less time to write) and also time to eat and sleep. Hahah I will try and find time to write though, I love it to much to just stop! It's so addicting!

So anyways, if you guys want to keep an eye out for that, I would love for you guys to check it out and tell me what you think!

Thanks again to everyone, I love you guys so much!!!! Xoxoxoxox



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(I couldn't decide so I'm posting both!! He's so freaking cute it hurts!!!)

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(I couldn't decide so I'm posting both!! He's so freaking cute it hurts!!!)

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