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Better Than Words- One Direction

Abby's POV

I pull Harry out the door and into the hallway where we practically run into Danielle. I know my face probably looked like a tomato, and for no reason at all really. We weren't doing anything, beside our very hot make out session. We talked pretty much the whole time we were in Danielle's office. She doesn't know that and by the smirk on her face she won't believe us if we said we weren't up to anything.

"There you guys are. We were all getting a little worried when you both disappeared for over an hour. I hope you guys cleaned up in there when you finished," she winks at me making my face turn even more red.

"We were just talking Danielle," Harry speaks up, squeezing my hand. I look up at him and give him a small smile.

"Sure, sure," she smirks at us. "Well now that we know you guys aren't dead, let's go enjoy the rest of the night." She grabs my free hand, pulling me forward so my other hand breaks out of Harry's grasp. She pulls me ahead of Harry and leans in to whisper in my ear. "So, are you guys like back together now?"

I turn my head around and look at Harry, who's giving us some space. He smiles at me real quick, his dimpled smile causing my stomach to flutter. I turn back around, smiling like an idiot. "Yeah, we are."

"Finally!" Danielle shouts, throwing a fist up in the air. I laugh and I hear Harry laughing behind us. She leans back in to whisper in my ear again. "Oh and don't worry about doing the deed in my office." She nudges me with her elbow and I groan, covering my face with my hands. I've never been so embarrassed.

"Nothing happened Danielle, we just talked things out." I explained, hoping she doesn't embarrass me anymore.

"Sure ok, then why are your lips red and a little swollen? And why does Harry have some lipstick around his mouth?" She says this a little louder so Harry could hear, and I swear I'm about to die of embarrassment.

"What?" Harry asked confused, reaching up to rub his lips. He does have some lipstick smeared on his lips, I can't believe I didn't notice it before. I stop walking, letting Harry catch up with us.

"Here let me get it," I tell him, reacting up and using my thumb to rub away the lipstick. Once it's gone I smile at him. "There. All gone."

"What would I do without you?" He asks, pulling me towards him and placing a quick kiss on my cheek.

"God, you guys are seriously too cute," Danielle says, interrupting mine and Harrys little moment. I smile shyly at her before taking Harrys hand and walking back downstairs.

We walk into the dining room and all eyes turn to us. Everyone breaking out into huge smiles at the same time. Violet and Megan give me the thumbs up, both beaming from their seats. All the boys start whistling, embarrassing me even more. Like seriously, i will die any minute now from embarrassment.

"Finally! Took you guys long enough," Niall jokes, swinging his arm around the girl he came with, who I learned is names Carrie.

"Go easy on them Niall, they had a lot of time to make up for," Louis says, winking over at us before breaking out laughing.

"Oh come on, we were just talking," Harry defends us again, taking a seat at the head of the table, pulling me onto his lap once again.

"Uh, swollen lips guys," Danielle points out once again, this time in front of everyone.

"Fine! We kissed! That's all. Happy?" Harry said, getting a little annoyed. I think he saw how embarrassed I was getting and felt bad so he was sticking up for me. I squeezed his hand that I held in my lap.

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