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Picture above is who I picture as Abby's mother :)

So.....the History music video has had me pretty messed up. Still feel like crying just thing about it :(  they need this break though, they deserve this time off. The past 5 years has been incredible and they will come back after this relaxed and raring to go for another 5 years haha will still miss them though!!

Drag Me Down- One Direction  :)

I could barely open my eyes as I searched for my phone, which at the moment was blaring an annoying beeping noise as my alarm went off. I instantly regret having those last two drinks last night, going against my word. At least there wasn't any drunk texting a certain boy. I hope there wasn't. I find my phone and quickly shut the alarm off before going through my phone and making sure I didn't send any texts. I didn't, thankfully. 

I jump in he shower, hating the fact that I had to work this morning. At least I have the weekend off, which will be spent at home, visiting my mom and two sisters. Most likely letting them know about the job opportunity in London. I was extremely nervous on how my mom would react. She wanted me to stay close to home, yet here I was, considering moving to London. I can hear her now, 'you want to move half way across the world? That's so far!' She would huff and puff about not being able to see me very much and that I'll miss out on birthdays and holidays. I'm hoping she will be happy for me though, parents are suppose to want their kids to succeed, this job is me succeeding.

I make it to work, my head is still throbbing a little, not nearly as bad as earlier thanks to some aspirin. The bright lights are extra bright as I slowly make my way to my deck, mumbling a few good mornings and hellos as I trudged along. I find some work on my desk when I sit down, grateful to have something to do right off, even if it was something trivial like finding the right photo to go with a certain article. I can't wait to be able to write my own articles full time, having people pick what photo will go best with my article.

I'm going through my second page of photographs I was sent to go through for some article about a litter of cats that were found under the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Memorial Bridge when I hear my name being called. I blink a few times, my eyes dry from staring at the computer screen for so long, and look up to see who called my name. Emily stood by her office door, waving me over. I got nervous all of a sudden as I get up and make my way over to her. Why isn't she smiling? Did she hear back from The Guardian? Did I not get the job?

For crying out loud Abby, calm down! Jumping to conclusions is only going to make you have a panic attack. I take a deep breath before stepping through the door, taking a seat when Emily motioned for me to sit. She sat behind her desk, lips pursed as she watched me.

"You're making me nervous. Did I do something wrong, or..." I ask, unable to take the silence any longer.

"You haven't don't anything wrong. I received this in the mail today though," she slides a thick envelope across her desk until it was right in front of me. I slowly reach out and grab the package, seeing my name written on the front. My pulse quickened when I saw Guardian News & Media written in the upper left hand corner.

"Oh my god," I say, even more nervous now than I have been for weeks. This was it, this was the moment of truth. Oh god, I know I wanted this job bad, I didn't realize just how bad I wanted it.

"Go on, open it!" Emily pushes, leaning forward on her desk, watching me with an excited smile on her face. With shaky hands I open the seal and slide out the small stack of papers. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever these papers say. If I don't get the job, I will still have this job at the Herald, and if I do get it then my life will change forever.

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