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Colors- Halsey (acoustic)
Nothing's Wrong- Echosmith (acoustic)
Best Day of My Life- American Authors

Harry's POV

I felt Abby's chest rise and fall evenly, letting me know she was still asleep. I don't know how long we slept for but I do know that the rain had stopped and it looked like the sun had come back out. It was growing awfully warm inside the tent due to our previous activities and how close Abby and I were laying right now, her back pressed against my chest, our arms tangled together as I held her close to me. I didn't want to move though, I would stay like this forever if we could. 

I'm not sure what changed when I first walked into my tent, one second I was frustrated because the damn zipper got stuck as we stood outside getting drenched and the next moment I'm looking at Abby, her hair falling out of her braid, pieces of wet hair stuck to her face, her nose a little pink from the cool air, her lips parted at she tried to calm her breathing. She looked incredibly beautiful in that moment and I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

There is not a single word to describe the feeling of being with Abby and making love like we just did. It was beyond anything I have ever felt in my entire life. Seeing the way she looked at me and saw the need in her eyes and felt the way her body responded to mine and hearing her call out my name when we both reached our end, was breathtaking.

I wouldn't change one thing that led me to this moment.

Well, there is one thing that I would want to change but wouldn't. Driving drunk that night was stupid and reckless and should never be repeated, but if I was meant to survive for the sole reason to come here and help Abby through all the guilt that has been eating away at her, than I would gladly relive that moment a hundred, even a thousand times.

It blew my mind when she told me what happened to her friend Hope, about the guilt she felt thinking she didn't do enough to save her. I knew at that moment that what I went through, and how I survived, was for a reason. I was suppose to help Abby, or anyone going through a similar situation. Somehow fate had brought Abby and I together, each of us helping the other in some way. The world had a cruel, cruel way of doing things; first letting Abby and I find each other and create something phenomenal, and then have everything end. Just like that.

How was I suppose to go back to London and go back to the way everything was? Abby has changed my life forever, there was no way I was going to be able to go back to my regular life, pretending I had never met her. There was no way I was ever going to forget anything that we have experienced in the last three days. I am going to be miserable, I know it.

Abby stirred next to me and I softly kissed her shoulder. She hummed next to me, snuggle back into me some more. Her body was soft against mind, fitting perfectly in my arms.

"Hey," I whispered, kissing her temple.

"Hey," she said, voice heavy with sleep. She rolled over so she was facing me, tangling our legs together as she wrapped her arms around my waist. Her brown eyes looked up at me and I couldn't breath. Her eyes held so much emotion and adoration, I could get lost in them forever. I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her, holding my lips against her, drinking her in.

"Have a nice nap?" I ask when I pull away.

"I did, did you? Do you know how long we slept?"

"I did. And I don't know. It's just after five now so it couldn't have been too long. The rain has stopped though," I tell her, placing my phone back down on the floor after I checked the time. I watch her turn her head and listen as if she is just noticing that the rain had stopped, seeing her full lips pull into a smile. She's absolutely beautiful.

Hope (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now