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All I Want- Kodaline


I threw on some black leggings and a gray and yellow plaid shirt, sliding on my boots and grabbing my purse. I left my hair down and I pushed it back off my face as I rushed out the door to meet Danielle and Eleanor, who were waiting downstairs. I had overslept so I had to rush to get ready, leaving me no time to do anything with my hair or to even pick out a better outfit. I still didn't have much to choose from considering I still haven't received my belongings yet. Hopefully tomorrow.

I wave as I rush down the walkway, opening up the back door and sliding inside.

"You look fantastic!" Eleanor gushed, turning around and smiling at me from the front seat.

"Thanks! You guys look great too! It's so good to see you guys again," I tell them, buckling  the seat belt.

"I know! I still can't believe you actually live here now!" Danielle says, pulling out onto the street. I wasn't sure where we were going to eat but they said the small cafe was amazing.

"I can't really believe it either," I laugh.

"You will have to show us your new place after lunch. Were you able to find what you were looking for when you went furniture shopping with your new boy?" Eleanor asks, smirking at me over her shoulder.

"I did and everything was delivered this morning. I had overslept and had to rush over to my new apartment and let them bring the stuff in and then rush back here to get ready to see you guys so I'm sorry if I look like a bum. And he's not my boy," I laugh.

"You look hot," Eleanor said.

"Definitely not a bum," Danielle agreed.

We make it to the cafe and find a parking spot on the street and walk over. Since it was nice out this afternoon we decided to sit outside. This place was super cute. It was small and quaint and the wait staff were really friendly.

"So, tell us about this new boy," Eleanor urges after we place out orders. I knew they were going to grill me about him but I still hesitated. I didn't know if it was going to be awkward since they are friends with Harry.

"Oh come on, don't be shy," Danielle joked.

"His name is Evan. He's incredibly sweet. Really attractive. And he makes me laugh," I shrug my shoulders, unable to stop myself from smiling.

"You like him!" Eleanor squealed and clapped her hands.

"Yeah. We pretty much spent all day together yesterday and we really got to know each other, it was nice," I tell them. I figured that if they decided to tell Harry I was dating someone than so be it. He's obviously moved on, why would he care if I was dating someone. If Evan and I were even dating.

"That's really great Abby. Yeah deserve to be happy," Danielle tells me, smiling softly at me.

"So, you never told us about this new job of yours that had you moving all the way to London," Eleanor says, changing the subject.

"Oh, I can't believe I haven't mentioned it. I've been so excited. You are looking at the new journalist for The Guardian Weekly," I say, holding my arms out. Eleanor and Danielle exchange a shocked look real quick before turning back to face me, smiling innocently like they didn't just secretly speak to each other with their eyes.

"What?" I ask, clearly confused. Was there something wrong with me working the The Guardian?

"Oh nothing! That's a huge newspaper to work for, congratulations!" Eleanor exclaims, acting like her and Danielle didn't exchange any secret glances.

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