Chapter One (Season Three)

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    Three months.

    Three months of following Klaus around like an idiot to find a werewolf pack.

We wait patiently outside of the Tennessee house for the woman to retrieve the dog we took. Finally, the blonde comes out of her house, calling for her dog. She stops where we left the leash before stooping low to retrieve it.

Klaus pokes me, letting me know it's time. We speed in front of her before she can look up, making it seem like we walked to her.

She jumps before letting out a gasp at the sight of us.

"I'm so sorry," Klaus apologizes, ditching the English accent. "I didn't mean to scare you."

She scoffs before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Can I help you two?" The girl asks, clearly annoyed. Rude.

"Yeah, my car ran out of gas a couple of miles back. My girlfriend and I have been walking for what seems like forever, and this is the first house we've stumbled upon." Klaus replies, wrapping an arm around my waist.

I fight the urge to push him away from me and instead give a charming grin. "Could we borrow your phone?"

"Don't you have a cell phone?" She asks, eyeing me.

"Actually, battery died." Klaus says waving his off phone before gesturing to me. "She dropped hers in a nearby puddle."

The girl just nods her head, not wanting to let us into her house. Makes sense, you could never be too careful. "Look, we promise we aren't serial killers. We would just like to use your phone," Klaus lies.

She sighs. "Sure." She makes her way to the front door, stepping inside her house allowing us to awkwardly wait outside.

"So...can we come in?" Klaus asks.

"Nope," she snaps, "I'll bring the phone out to you."

    Klaus sighs before looking at her in a bored manner. The arm around my waist drops making me a little relieved. Returning to his English accent, he says, "I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting."

    "I'm from Florida," the girl replies sassily. Wrong move.

    "Well, that explains it." He sighs before looking over at me. "Gabriella, if you'd please."

    I speed over to be right in front of here, my hand gripping her neck semi-tightly. I lean forward, looking into her eyes to intimidate before giving a small smile. "Show a little southern hospitality and invite us in,"

    She starts tearing up. "C-Come in," she invites. I can't help but roll my eyes at her crying.

We step inside and see another woman cooking food. "What's going on?" The woman asks once she notices us.

Klaus grips the girl's arm, using her as leverage as he calmly says, "Don't be alarmed. I'm told Ray Sutton lives here." The girl starts panting.

"He's almost never here," the woman replies nervously. "He's on the road mostly."

"But I expect he makes it home...once a month." He steps closer to the woman with the girl still in his grip. The woman doesn't answer. "That's what I thought, where is he now?" The woman still doesn't answer. "If I have to make you tell me, it's going to be infinitely more painful for you."

The woman stupidly runs away, leaving her friend behind. She makes it to the back door only to find Stefan, waiting to be invited in. Klaus tauntingly walks toward her, I follow.

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