Chapter Thirty - Four

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My body aches, but I can't tell if it's from the chains holding my wrists taut above my head, or the lack of blood. Is this desiccation or regular torture?

No one has been to the dungeon since I was thrown in here however long ago. I'm starting to wonder if being trapped here with Damon is the torture.

    From the conversation I overheard last night, Elena isn't allowed to visit either of us because of the sire bond. Jeremy's on lockdown with Matt back at my place. And if I had to guess on Stefan's whereabouts, he's at the Mikaelsons cozying up to Rebekah.

    At least he'll never be able to throw me sleeping with Klaus in my face again.

    "You're quiet," Damon mumbles from his dirty little cot.

    "Thinking," I mumble back, clenching my hands into fists to make sure I can still feel them.


    "Whether you're the torture that's supposed to get my humanity back or not," I admit. "If Stefan's plan was to bore me until I emote then it's working." 

    "Is it actually?"

    This idiot...

    Finally, I hear someone descending the stairs. The scent of Rebekah's perfume is stronger than it was when I saw Stefan last night.

    He actually slept with her. The thought makes me laugh out loud.

    Stefan steps into view, partially hidden by the bars in the door's window. "What are you laughing about?" He asks, already sounding annoyed with us for simply being here.

    "You don't know what I look like when I'm not in love with you," I quote from his conversation with Elena. "That was some powerful shit right there, Stefan. How long have you been waiting to say that?"

    "I know what you're trying to do," Stefan sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. "You've been doing it ever since you turned your humanity off."

    "Asking questions?" I ask. I lift my head off my shoulder and stand a little straighter, ignoring the pain it causes. "I'm just making you think critically."

    "She's been doing this all night," Damon groans. "Could you at least lock her up somewhere else? I'm tired of her trying to play mind games with me."

    "Maybe there are some things you should think about," Stefan says simply. "You're supposed to be helping turn her humanity back on. It doesn't look like anything's happened since last night."

    "Kinda hard to torture someone when you can't move, Stefan. I need blood." Damon lifts his head to make eye contact. "Hell, I'm feeling a lot less murderous. I'm pretty sure it's safe to set me free."

    Stefan ignores that and instead throws a vial of blood at Damon. Damon groans in annoyance as he lifts it enough to see what's in it.

    "So desiccation is the torture," I mumble after receiving nothing. "Peachy."

    "At least spring for a blood bag," Damon complains. "I'm thirsty."

    Stefan responds by placing a bottle of water on the windowsill. Damon groans but forces himself to stand as Stefan steps out of view.

    Damon blocks my view of the hallway to grab the water bottle, making me assume Stefan's gone and we're left alone again.

    However, a certain British Bastard decides to greet him with a "Hello, mate."

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