Chapter Twenty - Six

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Stefan and I frown at the cardboard box filled with hunting supplies. Each weapon has that weird symbol on them.

"What is all this?" Stefan asks as he inspects a stake. Damon enters the study with another cardboard box before settling beside the couch.

"Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV," Damon replies easily. He does some weird kiss gesture before looking up. "May he rest in peace."

"Why?" I ask as I grab a crossbow. The symbol's etched onto its handle too.

"I'm searching for a supernatural handbook."

"You know for a fact he was supernatural?" Stefan asks, glancing at both of us.

"Definitely wasn't natural," Damon argues.

"He kept telling us how fast he was for a Hunter," I add. I aim the empty crossbow at Damon, making him flinch before he realizes it wasn't loaded.

Damon rolls his eyes. "The guy just magically appears just as someone blows up the entire founders' council. Covered, in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert, of all the people in the world, seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of the five. And then he kamikazes himself with explosives. Seem natural to you?"

"What's the five?" Stefan asks.

"That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook."

Damon's cell starts ringing, forcing Damon to answer it. "Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff." Neither Stefan nor I think to listen to her side of the conversation. "What? That's...concerning. Keep me posted."

Damon hangs up and places the phone down. He starts searching through the box again, ignoring Stefan and my's curious stares. When he says nothing, Stefan sighs.

"What, you're not going to tell us?" Stefan asks.

"Can't. It's private. We're in a fight."

I let out a groan. "You two are still arguing over that? I stopped being pissed at Stefan for keeping secrets from me, like, eight hours ago."

"Yet you're still mad at me for the whole Matt thing?"

"Uh, yeah?" I retort with furrowed brows, "you keep manipulating me."

"Which I've apologized for."

"Multiple times, yet you don't do anything to fix it."

Damon sighs. "How do you expect me to fix it if you won't accept anything?"

"You can start by telling us about that conversation with Sheriff Forbes," Stefan retorts with crossed arms. He notes Damon's hesitance before sighing. "I'm over it, Damon. I've been over it."

"You're not still mad at me about Elena?" Damon clarifies.

"You let her feed on you, I'm always going to be mad at you, but we're not in a fight.".

"Very well then." Damon takes the quiet moment to do a dramatic pause. "They didn't find any remains at the explosion site."

    Hunter Dude's alive?

"Huh," I say, "I guess he wasn't lying when he said he's faster than the average hunter."

"So Connor's still out there," Stefan says.

Who the hell is Connor? Oh, wait—

"I'm going to need you two to get on this today. I have to take Elena to college," Damon instructs.

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