Chapter Five

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Almost immediately after his big reveal of taking us back to Mystic Falls, Klaus decided to nearly kill Stefan and I in an attempt figure out what we've been hiding.

I cough out the blood after taking the hit. I wipe my lips with my arm as Klaus's shadow darkens my view. I let out a yelp as I'm pulled to my feet.

"What aren't you telling me?!" He demands as he grips my collar. Despite my accelerated healing, I still feel a little woozy from the hit.

I blink before giving a groggy smile. "You're pretty handsome, If I say so myself."

That only makes him angrier for some reason. I'm shoved against the truck, my head hitting against it a little roughly. Maybe I should tell him.

Don't be an idiot, Gabriella.

    "" I gasp out instead. "I drink can' shit."

A groan emits from a few feet away. Stefan slowly sits up, coming back to life after a neck snap. Klaus drops me, allowing me to fall to my knees.

He forces Stefan to look at him before compelling, "What are you two hiding?"

    "Stefan," I cough out, "don't!"

    "Bonnie did a spell to keep Elena alive," he confesses, making my eyes widen. "She's still human." Stefan blinks after realizing what he did.

Klaus looks back at me before leaving with a whoosh! I let out a groan before forcing myself to stand. When I make my way to follow him, his sister gets in my way.

Rebekah tilts her head as she stares at my healing marks. "I apologize for my brother, you didn't deserve that."

"It's fine, I'll live." I dismiss, trying to push past Rebekah. I look up at her with narrowed eyes as she stands in my way again.

"Gabby, you can't go in there."

"Gabriella," I correct.

She puts both of her hands on my shoulders, stopping me. "I don't like her," she admits, "I understand why you are trying to save her, I really do, but Nik... He'll probably kill you. Or worse, make you kill her yourself."

I scoff. "I did not stick around with Klaus the entire summer, keeping him away from Mystic Falls just for him to kill my sister anyway. She's my family, Rebekah. I have to at least try." She waits a few seconds before sighing and letting me go.

"I'm not going to which you luck. Good or bad. I still hate the girl for taking Stefan's heart," Rebekah replies honestly.

"I'm coming too," Stefan groans, standing up.

I shrug and walk towards him. "And have you spill all our secrets again? No thanks." I grab both sides of his head and snap his neck. He falls limp to the ground.

I look at Rebekah again before speeding off into the school. Once I enter the doors, I start walking in order to regain my breath. I haven't had anything to eat in a bit.

It's nighttime, meaning no one should be here, yet it sounds like everyone is here. Senior Prank Night, I realize.

Elena's and Klaus's voices echo loudly from the gym. I let out a huff. Damn it. He already found her. Which really wasn't a hard thing to do actually.

I take a breath, hyping myself up before pushing both doors open. My twin, Klaus, and two other seniors I don't recognize look over at me. One of the seniors is standing on one leg.

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