Chapter Eighteen

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For the first time since I've last been to school (which was a long time ago) I woke up before 9 am. It's for a worthy cause, obviously. Ric was forced to live a period of time in solitude after the other day's incident. Damon and Stefan are allowed to stay and watch over him, but everyone else can only visit.

    I do feel a little bad for not being able to save his girlfriend myself. Good thing Elena brought Stefan back with her.

    I grip the bag of chocolate chip muffins tightly in one hand before using the other to knock on the apartment's door.

    My cheerful smile immediately falls at the sight of Damon. "You're not Ric," I note, "I could've sworn this was his apartment."

    "After your failure to simply watch him, consider yourself lucky to be allowed to visit," he retorts. He rolls his eyes at my glare. "He's indecent right now. What do you want?"

    "I just want to know how he's doing."


    I wait for him to say more, but nothing comes out. "So...there were no issues last night?"

    "Nope, slept like a baby. Woke up Alaric; no headlines about dead council members."

    Something's off.

    My eyes narrow. "What are you hiding?"

    He smirks. "I'll spill my secrets if you spill yours."

    "I already told Elena," I retort, knowing he's talking about the sleeping with Klaus thing. "And guess what? She doesn't hate me." Technically we never finished that conversation. But if she hates me, everyone else would already know.

    "I know." I raise a brow. I didn't tell her Damon knew. "She let me know you beat me to it as I was telling her."

My grip on the bag tightens. "You told her anyway?!"

He leans closer. "That's because you didn't do what I asked." Those ice blue eyes of his gleam as he snatches the bag out of my hand. "What'd you bring me?"

"Chocolate chip muffins for Ric."

"You know what they say, the way to a psycho killer's hear is through his stomach," Damon remarks sarcastically.

"Like I said, they're for Ric, dumbass." I snatch the muffins back. "They didn't have blueberry so I had to get his second favorite. Speaking of," I move closer. "Ric! Your second favorite vampire is here and kinda wants to see you!"

"Hilarious," Damon deadpans with an eye roll. "But he's going to have to pass on Gabby time today. You know, lockdown and all."

I sigh in annoyance. "Fine. Just give him the muffins. Tell him we miss him?"

"Yep." He slowly starts closing the door, making me let out an annoyed huff.

I stick my foot in between the door and it's threshold. "Utter one word about what you know, and I'll actually kill you," I mumble lowly.

"I'm petrified. Have a great day! Thanks for coming by." I remove my foot just before he slams it shut. Asshole.

    I hear three different sets of breathing, indicating a third presence in the apartment. Stefan. It has to be since he's the only other person allowed. He does not know about me and Klaus. If he did, I doubt we'd be friends. Lets just hope Damon doesn't say anything.

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