Chapter Forty - Two

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Lately, I've been waking up feeling miserable or regretful. Honestly, I'm tired of feeling like this. But after what happened a few nights ago, I can't help it.

I told Klaus I love him while I was absolutely wasted. And he didn't believe me! Now that he's in New Orleans, I can't tell him in person to make him believe it. Would he believe me if I sent him a text? Or left a sober voicemail? Should I just go down to New Orleans right now?

Wait, no, duh, I can't do that. With everything going on here, I can't just abandon everyone.

    So, until we get Elena's humanity back and Silas out of here, I'll have to hold off on the thing. Rebekah's still in town, maybe I can get her help with that?

    One thing at a time, Gabby. Focus on your misery later. 

With a grunt, I punch the punching bag as hard as I can. Violence, whether it be against another person or a punching bag, has always been...comforting for me. I've learned that as long as it's in a controlled environment, it isn't a terrible stress reliever.

This bag, like the others, bursts at the seams and dangles like a limp balloon from the tree.

I let out a frustrated groan knowing I'll have to replace the bag yet again. I unhook the deflated bag from the chain and toss it to the side. I wipe the sweat from my brow before reaching for the other bag.

I hate that I already miss him as much as I do.

I lift the bag and hook it to the chain dangling from the tree.

I eye my phone laying next to my water bottle. Don't do it, I have to tell myself. Don't you dare...

But, like the weak bitch I am, I go for it anyway.

I don't remember searching through my phone for the calling app, nor do I remember searching for his name. The phone's suddenly ringing and placed against my ear. I wait ten seconds only for it to go to voicemail mid-ring.

Did he...did he send me to voicemail?

I try again, only for it to happen even sooner than the first time. He's ignoring me...

Fine. Whatever. I shouldn't have bothered with it right now anyway.

I toss my phone to the side, not bothered if it would survive or not. I'm pissed and I need a stress reliever.

I look back at the bag again before getting into position. I let out a huff before kicking the bag as hard as I can.


    I wish Tyler was still in town. Sparring with a hybrid is much more entertaining and calorie-burning than hitting a bag. Unfortunately, the man I love drove him out of town.

    Anyway, it took longer to release my pent-up anger than it would have if I had a sparring partner. However, I finally deemed it was enough after a few hours.

    I'm starving, I can't help but think as I walk up the driveway. I tighten my ponytail and adjust my sports bra before stepping inside.

    I descend the basement stairs with the intention of getting a blood bag from the cooler. Instead, I'm met with both Salvatores hovering around my sister's cell.

    "Did you guys even sleep?" I question the two. Damon doesn't move from his spot; he's leaning against the doorway. Stefan is watching from the hallway.

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