Chapter Forty

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It was kinda awkward to leave Klaus alone in the woods. It was awkward to brush the leaves off my shirt and pull it back on just before speeding out of sight.

It was even more awkward to realize I let Stefan and Caroline leave thinking Klaus would take me home.

So now I'm walking along the road, alone, with no hope of a stranger driving by because it's hardly past dawn.

Yay me!

I've been given the silence necessary to overthink my decision once again. My tears dried a small while ago, so I've been lucky enough to not have to deal with that.

Finally, I hear a car approach. I turn around, seeing who I'll have to compel only to stop in surprise.

Damn it, I think as Damon's car approaches. He and Elena must be coming back from New York already. I can't let them see me like this.

But it's too late to disappear. They've already seen me and I'm sure at least Damon would pull over.

Damn it.

Sure enough, the car slows to a stop once it reaches beside me. I sigh, crossing my arms as I try to think of a bunch of excuses as to why I would be walking alone an hour after sunrise.

But to my surprise, the window rolls down revealing the blonde Original I've befriended. She matches my confused frown.

"What the bloody hell are you doing on the side of the road?"

"What are you doing in Damon's car?" I retort. I bend down so I can see Elena in the front seat. I raise a brow at the colored curls she suddenly has. "And why did you curl your hair?"

She rolls her eyes. "Relax," Elena retorts, "people can still tell the difference."

"That wasn't my concern," I huff before looking at Rebekah. "You left Damon in New York?"

Rebekah smirks. "We didn't want him getting in the way of finding the cure."

"We're suddenly on board with finding the cure?" I ask, looking at Elena again.

She shrugs. "Rebekah wants it, I don't. Faster we find Katherine, faster we can shove the cure down Rebekah's throat and be rid of it once and for all."

"It's a search for Katherine too?" I question, suddenly much more interested in their hunt. "I'm in."

I move to the back door, opening it quickly before hopping into the backseat.

Rebekah has to turn in her seat to make eye contact with me. "We didn't even have to ask."

"She killed my brother," I remind. "I want to at least beat the shit out of her. Besides, I think it's best if I stay out of Mystic Falls for a few days or so."

"Is that why you were walking along the road like a hitchhiker?" I eye her, giving her a look that says I don't want to talk about it at the moment. She sighs before shrugging. "Fine."

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