Chapter Fifteen

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For the the first time in what feels like forever, I didn't immediately regret waking up.

    And then I remembered whose arm was wrapped around me.

    "Shit," I curse softly. I stare ahead at the closed closet door. I remove the arm around me before sitting up. With a groan, I lift my arms to get a good stretch going.

    "Leaving already?" chimes the British bastard. I can feel him staring at me, but I don't bother looking at him.

    "That was a mistake," I begin, moving my hair behind my shoulders. "It won't happen again."

    "Possibly." The bed shifts as he sits up. "But I highly doubt that."

    I scoff before looking over my shoulder at him. "I still despise you."

    "Last night says otherwise."

My cheeks redden at the thought, but I make sure to quickly hide my face. I stand up before snatching my bra off the end of the bed. It doesn't take long to clip it on. As I'm doing that I say, "My feelings for you haven't changed, no matter what happened last night."

    He chuckles in amusement. "I know," he admits. I face him again before crossing my arms. "You've made your feelings quite clear." I look around for my clothes only to realize I came here in a ball gown. Shit. "Did you know hate sex is considered more passionate?"

    "Not if it's one-sided," I snap. "I don't know if you remember this, but you don't hate me. I hate you."

    Klaus is suddenly next to a dresser. He fishes out some clothing before tossing me an extra shirt. I mumble a small thank you before making my way to his door.

    "Rebekah's room is two doors down on the left," he instructs, making me narrow my eyes at him.

    "I know where her room is," I snap as I reluctantly pull his shirt on.

    I quickly make my way to her room, hoping to not be spotted by any other Mikaelson. I'll get a mouthful from Rebekah, I don't need to accidentally run into Esther or Elijah like this.

    "Well, well," chimes the voice of a different Mikaelson. I always forget about him, I can't help but think as I slowly look at him. Kol eyes me in amusement. The little twinkle in his eye makes me think he wants to see what's underneath the shirt. "I told you I was irresistible."

    "No wonder you were daggered as long as you were," I mumble, not really caring that he can hear it. "I'm going to get some clothes, is Rebekah awake yet?"

    "I'm afraid our darling little Rebekah didn't come home last night."

    I frown only to realize someone told me this before...was it Klaus? Probably, not too long before we...

    I can feel my cheeks heat up.

    I'm about to push myself past him, only to stop when he grabs my upper arm. I face him with a glare, one that he matches.

"You lied," he accuses, "you said you would reject my brother."

"I did," I answer, remembering the conversation Klaus and I had before we...yeah. "I told him it wasn't like that."

"As if sleeping with him helped clear any confusion." Kol scoffs. "You're not doing what you said you would."

"I know." I pull my arm free. "I get it, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again, alright? I made that clear."

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