Chapter Two

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    "You okay?" Klaus teases, "Is Ray getting heavy?" Stefan grunts as we hike up the trail. Stefan has Ray on his shoulders due to Ray being dead.

    "I'm fine," Stefan replies stiffly, not looking him in the eye.

    "You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..." Klaus teases. I roll my eyes. Now, he's just being annoying.

    "You know what?" I ask aloud, stopping Stefan with a look. I pull Ray off of Stefan and grab Ray by the ankle. I start walking again, dragging the body like its no problem. "There, now you can shut up."

    "I was only having a little fun," Klaus says with a fake pout. I roll my eyes again.

    "I get we're stuck together but if we could skip the chit chat, that'd be great," Stefan snaps, as annoyed as I am.

    "So much brooding." Klaus tsks. "Your self-loathing is suffocating you my friend."

    "Maybe it's because I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves," Stefan retorts, "We've been at it all summer."

    "Well, thanks to Ray over here, we found a pack and now y'all's panties will no longer get twisted," I z snap, giving a tight smile.

    I stop when Stefan and Klaus do as we approach a campground. Werewolves and tents are everywhere. Who are these people?

    As we walk into the campground, everyone stands in suspicion to look at us. I toss Ray in front with a small smirk. "Ray! Oh my god!" A woman cries out, running towards his dead body. A man walks with her. "What's going on?"

    The two look up at me. "Who are you?" She snarls at me.

    "The important question is who am I," Klaus answers, stepping in front of me. "Please forgive the intrusion, my name is Klaus."

    Recognition crosses their faces. "You're the hybrid," The woman accuses, slowly standing.

    "You've heard of me." Klaus smirks. "Fantastic."

    "God, you really do have ego issues don't you?" I murmur as I sit on a nearby boulder.

    Somebody was already sitting on the boulder I'm on, so I pushed him off, claiming my spot. "Be nice, Gabby," Stefan scolds with a disapproving look as he sits next to me. Klaus sits on the other side of me. 

    "It's fascinating actually—a werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, and a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid," Klaus brags as he starts his rambling.

    Ray gasps awake, sitting up in surprise. Way to be on time. "Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic.".

    "What's happening to me?" Ray asks with a hoarse voice as he looks around in fear.

    "Gabby?" Klaus asks, nodding his head. It's the first time he's used the nickname I limit. I fight the urge to correct him considering he could kill everyone I know.

    I stand up at the command and look around. "Any of you people human?" I demand. No one answers. "To complete this transition for a vampire, he needs human blood. If he doesn't. Well, he dies." No one says anything still.

    "Doesn't take much. Just a sample. Anyone? Boyfriend? Girlfriend?" Klaus asks, standing up and stepping beside me.

    He looks at the man from earlier. "You." Klaus says. He bites into the man's wrist and shoves the human to me. The girlfriend screams out as Klaus stops her.

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