Chapter Thirty - Six

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As I thought, Shane had something to do with Jeremy's kidnapping.

Everyone had to learn the hard way when they realized Bonnie, Shane, and Silas's tombstone was missing. Damon ran off not too long ago after a dreadful conversation he and Elena had.

On the bright side, the conversation was exactly what I wanted, so that's nice.

But now the four of us are stuck here, confused and worried. Well, they're confused and worried, I'm just ready to go home.

Rebekah's still digging through everyone's bags, hoping the tombstone will appear out of nowhere and that this is all some practical joke.

Elena sighs as she approaches Rebekah's frantic self. "What are you doing in my tent?"

I forget how fast and strong Rebekah is. Before I know it, her hand is around Elena's throat, forcing the latter to gasp for breath.

"Where's the tombstone?" Rebekah demands with wide eyes and a desperate tone. "What have you done with it?"

"What are you talking about?" Elena gasps.

"I thought we agreed this was Shane's doing," I chime, watching the two with crossed arms.

"No!" Rebekah denies. "All you people ever do is betray me and here you go again!"

"Let her go!" Stefan commands, finally swooping in. "Gabby's right, we all know Shane took it."

Rebekah doesn't look convinced. "Was any of this real? Was it just a-a ploy to distract me while Shane ran off with the tombstone?"

"Aww, Rebekah." I give a fake pout. "You should know by now we would've already left you behind if this was us."

Stefan glares at me, silently commanding me to stop talking. He looks back at Rebekah. "You think I would let some psychopath run off with the cure? Every single moment of my last 146 years has been ruled by the pain of being a vampire. This cure ends the guilt and the suffering."

I cringe after hearing that. That was so...cheesy. Ugh. Brooding, depressed people like that give us vampires a bad name, no?

"Fine," Rebekah spats. "You didn't take it, but that doesn't mean I trust her." She looks over at Elena, who for some reason looks surprised by this information.

Elena scoffs. "And you can trust Gabby, right."

Not sure why I've been brought up, but alright.

"Gabby doesn't care enough to betray me!" Rebekah snaps. Good point Rebekah.

Elena sighs before bending down to grab the badly hidden white oak stake she's been carrying around since Kol died.

"Here," she sighs, offering it to Rebekah. "Consider it a peace offering."

"Don't you get it, Elena? There is no peace. We're all screwed!"

"Exactly, Rebekah! We're screwed! Bonnie's gone. Shane's got the tombstone. Jeremy's missing. Who knows if Damon's coming back?" Elena switches her gaze between the three of us. "It's the four of us, or it's over. For all of us."

"So inspirational," I sigh as Rebekah swats the stake away. "So, what's our plan supposed to be?"


The plan is to wait for Caroline to find the sword so she can decode the pictures of the map we sent. Fun, right?

We've been waiting for a while now, causing Elena to get a little antsy.

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