Chapter Eight

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    "Why am I here?" I ask Damon as the four of us go through some secret tunnel in the wall. By all four of us I mean, Ric, Damon, Elena, and I.

    Damon's help granting my wish for everything to be normal. Except, he toned down the teasing and and touching, which is good. The need for him hasn't stopped, but it's died down.

    Ric and Elena lead the way through the dark cave. "I've already explained this to you," Damon sighs, "Ric found something last night when you were gone. As a vampire, I can't get through it for some reason."

"I'm a vampire too, dumbass."

"Yeah, so?" Damon replies.

"So, I can't get through it either." I can't believe I have to explain it to him. He nods, already knowing this.

"I wanted some company on the other side of the barrier." He shrugs. "Besides, you can lower your ruse without the presence of Stefan and Blonde Original."

"Be careful where you shine your flashlight," Ric warns Elena, "Bats hate the light."

Elena stops. "Wait. What?"

I smirk eagerly, taking the opportunity to scare her a bit. I silently speed behind. "Elena," I whisper in her ear.

She jumps and quickly spins around after yelling. Damon chuckles beside me at the look on her face. I bet he thinks it's cute or something.

Don't be negative, Gabby. You promised you wouldn't hold it against her.

"Scaredy-cat," Damon comments in between chuckles.

"Just ignore them," Ric suggests, "That's what I do." He gives Damon and I a blank stare.

"So you two really can't get in?" Elena asks us both, no longer startled as we approach the barrier.

"According to Damon, no," I reply with crossed arms.

"It seems as if the ancient Lockwoods were anti-vampire," Damon comments. He starts walking, getting in front of Elena and I.

"Ancient?" Elena questions, following him. I sigh before following the two.

"You'll see." Damon stops. "Well, this is as far as Gabby and I can go." He moves out of the way, allowing Elena to walk past him.

I put my hand against the empty space, making sure Damon isn't lying. My hand hits the barrier, making me sigh in annoyance.

I sit down, leaning against the wall behind me as Elena and Ric have their conversation. Damon sits beside me.

"What is all of this?" Elena asks.

"Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story," Ric explains. "In simple archaeological terms, it's a really old story. That right there is a moon cycle. A man. A wolf." I see the light of the flashlight move.

"A werewolf."

"Yeah. It's in the Lockwood diaries, pictionary style," Damon comments, obviously as bored as I am.

"I don't understand," Elena admits, "I thought the Lockwoods came here with the original founders in the 1860s." Elena states. I imagine she's frowning. I grab a pebble from beside me before tossing it in the air.

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