Chapter Twenty - Four

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"Does this position suit our best friend aesthetic?" I wonder aloud before grinning at Stefan. He turns his head, almost looking upside-down due to our positions. We're both laying on one of the guests bed, our heads beside each other but the rest of us facing a different way.

"I don't really know that means," Stefan admits, making me sigh.

"Well, that's disappointing. Might as well sit normally." I sit up before turning around, sitting beside Stefan.

"Sorry to disappoint."

"You know, you should be," I agree, "especially after the bullshit you and Damon pulled this morning."

Stefan scoffs. "It's not my fault we have opposing views on what type of vampire Elena should be."

"How's that working out, by the way?" I give a sly grin as he sighs.

Stefan turns to his side, almost acting smug. "Great, actually. She had her first feed today and it went successfully."

"Did she now?" I raise a brow. "Good for her, I guess. I couldn't keep that stuff down. Too...bitter."

Stefan furrows his eyebrows. "I thought you said you thought it tasted fine when you first turned."

"Aw, Stefan." I pat his shoulder with a pout. "You thought I was telling the truth. Good thing I didn't have to lie for long, I suppose."

"Do you really want to be thanking Klaus for that?"

I scoff. "Why would I thank a dead man? Besides, I wasn't thanking him. I was just...happy that I didn't have to pretend to like your meal plan longer than I did."

He rolls his eyes. "Does that mean you agree with Damon's method?"

"Damon wants her to feed from the vein, and you want her to feed from roadkill. I think the perfect compromise is blood bags. She won't get a taste for something she's never had, this being fresh from the vein, and she won't have to act like we're in the Hunting and Gathering age."

"Wouldn't blood bags just lead to her being curious about blood from the vein?"

"And rock n roll is the gateway to drugs," I deadpan. "See how dumb that sounds? It's not gonna hurt her."

    Stefan sighs. "She said she wanted an alternative. She doesn't want to hurt anyone."

    I scoff, remembering our conversation about whether she'd transition or not. "Yeah, she's made that clear. I do think it'd be interesting to see how much better she can do then me since she's so sure it's easy."

    "You know she was just saying that because her emotions were heightened. She didn't mean it."

    "Yeah, but I'd still like to prove her wrong." A smile forms at the thought. "Well, have her prove herself, wrong I guess."

"What happened to be being there for her? And being supportive?"

"I am here for her whenever she needs me," I argue, "and I am being supportive. I'm just...being realistic too." I give a teasing grin, making Stefan roll his eyes.

"So petty," Stefan tsks.

"I like to think I'm doing a decent job. I haven't abandoned her but I'm not gonna go out of my way to promote a diet I personally despise."

"Do you plan on helping her at the funeral today?"

I raise a brow. "The funeral? Whose funeral?"

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