Chapter Thirty - Three

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It seems No Humanity Gabby has lowered her standards when it comes to judging the taste of blood. Which would be whatever, I suppose. There's not much difference between O positive and A, taste-wise of course. But there was something about this batch that

Unfortunately, I drained three-fourths of the bar's occupancy before realizing it.

Even weirder, everyone was hiding in the corner when I walked in this morning. I was surprised this many people drink so early, but who am I to judge?

Now that everyone knows my dirty little secret, I can kill Mystic Falls' residences without hiding. Unfortunately for me, everyone knowing what I've been up to the past few days means I don't get a break from everyone's messages. It actually got worse. So until I want something from them, my phone stays on silent.

"What are you doing?"

Oh, right. There's still one more.

I don't bother facing the poor guy crouched in the corner. "Debating on whether I'm going to drain you or get creative," I announce before sidestepping one of my late victims. "Any preference?"

I can hear his breath hitch as his heartbeat quickens. "Please just kill me fast," he pleads, making me raise a brow. "I'm not even supposed to be alive right now--"

"What do you mean by that?" I interrupt, grabbing a bottle of vodka from behind the bar. I start the search for a decent mixer.

"Earlier there was this guy who forced me to...he forced me to drink his blood and then he snapped my neck! His face did the, uh, the veiny thing you do! But his eyes were different, they were--"

"Glowing gold," I realize. "And here I was thinking you were all failing at being emo."

"The sun burned--"

"I know, such a tragedy. I suppose I'm lucky to have had a witch on my side when I turned." I start "mixing" my drink after settling for cranberry juice. "So, it seems the guy I liked turned you all so my brother could kill you." I finally look at the hiding newbie before taking a sip of my drink. "So this whole time I've been drinking vampire blood. I can see why Mikael did what he did."

The poor guy frowns at what probably sounds like nonsense, but I don't bother letting him ask anything. "What's your name?" I ask.

He eyes me wearily before admitting, "Lucas."

"I like you, Lucas," I say, taking another sip. "Therefore, I've decided I'm not going to kill you."

"You're not?" Despite asking me to kill him quickly a few minutes ago, his face brightens.

"I'm not," I promise. "But him on the other hand..." I take another sip of my drink before nodding at Kol who's been standing next to the bar's entrance for a few moments. Lucas's eyes widen, and before he can beg for his life, Kol has already sped over and ripped the poor fellow's heart out.

I don't look away as he tosses Lucas's heart to the side and smirks at me. "And you say you're on no one's team," he teases.

"I'm not," I remind. "You know I don't care about finding the cure."

"On the contrary, it seems you don't want it to be found at all," Kol gives a tight smile before sitting on a barstool. "Makes my job much easier."

I roll my eyes. "As long as you don't go around saying I did it on your behalf..." I finish the rest of my drink before starting my search for something stronger.

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