Chapter Thirty - Five

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    Tomorrow, we leave to find the cure. Now that we have a complete map and its interpreter, everyone's on edge and ready to leave. Our time to find it is limited to three or four days since that's how long Bonnie's spell should last. Since I'm forced to join the gang due to Klaus's compulsion, I'm now helping search for the cure.

    Jeremy had to snap at me just so I could leave him and let him sleep. I decided to take advantage of the time given to go back home and see the British bastard trapped in my living room.

    He still looks as pissed as he did a few hours ago. I'm not surprised since he has a perfect view of his brother's corpse.

    "Hello, Niklaus," I greet, mocking his accent. He turns away from the kitchen to look at me.

    "Gabriella," Klaus says, not as kindly as I did. "Manage to escape the compulsion already?"

    I give an unhumourous laugh. "Hmm, I wish. Because of your compulsion, I'm forced to protect Jeremy while we search for the cure."

    "Because of my compulsion, you let Kol die," he seethes.

    I smirk. "I'm glad you figured that out without me having to tell you," I admit. "Because a lot of this is your fault, by the way. Kol's death, the torture of being trapped here, your soon-to-be transformation into a human..."

    "Make your point," he snaps, "or leave. I don't want to talk to you."

    "Don't you see the common outcome?" I ask. "Everything you've done has led to your loneliness. You've got two siblings left, both of which hate you right now. You're trapped alone in my living room. When they shove that cure down your throat, you'll die alone."

    Klaus smirks. "Is that all you've got?" I tilt my head before crossing my arms. "Have you gotten so tired of mentally torturing your friends and family that you have nothing left for me?"

    I shrug. "I thought it was okay."

    "You thought telling me something I've always known was okay enough to mentally torture me?" He scoffs. "Work on your physical torture. I'm sure the lesson I gave you earlier is still fresh in your mind."

    I grin. "This is why I liked you! You're so...hellbent! You'd do whatever it takes to get whatever you want, even if it means hurting the people you care about." I step a little closer. "You'd kill me if it meant getting out of here, wouldn't you?"

    "I want to kill you because of what you did to my brother," he admits, "but I don't think I could."

    My shoulders slump at the thought. "Really? That's kind of lame. I would mention you torturing me as an example of your hellbent, but you did that for my sake."

    "Are you about to call me weak for caring about you?" he questions, crossing his arms too. "Figured you'd be honored considering I'll be the only one left by the time your humanity is back."

    "And by the time you're cured and almost dead, I'll be the only one who cares for you," I admit. "But until my humanity is back, I don't give a shit what happens to you. So for your sake, you better hope I get my humanity back before that happens."

    "Offering pity when you have none? That's a bit contradictory, no?"

    "Consider it the only thing I'll do to show I liked you. You should feel grateful."

    His jaw clenches. "Is that all?"

    "For now," I concede. "I'll see you in a few days. Good luck with that," I say, gesturing to Kol's body.

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