Chapter Twenty - Five

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The idiotic bartender stares at me as if I just told him I was a zombie or something. I raise my brow at him before nodding to the bottle in his hand.

"You're compelled," I remind before pointing to the nearly empty bottle in his hand. "Pour me another drink. Preferably something fruity because I'm tired of the bitter taste."

"You said to stop if I would normally get concerned," the brunette reminds me. "If I wasn't compelled, I would've cut you off a while ago."

I gape at him. "Well...screw you. I lied." I lean forward, ignoring the people in the Grill. None of them care enough to watch me anyway, no matter how careful I should be. "Get me another drink."

The bartender nods as I sit back on my barstool. I deserve to drink like this, right? Yeah, definitely. You would drink like this too if everyone lied to you about Klaus coming back to life.

And screw them for thinking I'd go run away with him! I don't love Klaus! We had good sex and...yeah, no that's it. It was a good time.

And whatever infatuation I tricked myself into having, that's gone. I don't hate him but I don't love him, alright?

"Does cranberry work?" He asks. I notice someone at the end of the bar trying to flag for his attention.

Feeling pity for them, I nod. "Yeah, sure. When you're done with that go help that person at the end."

He nods before working on my drink.

A whiff of a familiar cologne makes me sit up straight. Where do I know that scent?


"Damnit," I curse as he sits beside me. I let out a sigh as my drink is placed in front of me before glancing at the bastard. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Klaus raises a brow, clearly amused. "What? No, 'welcome back from the dead?' or 'Klaus, how I've miss you so?'" He tilts his head just a little. "Personally, I'd prefer a 'let's go back to my place.'"

"You're supposed to be in Chicago," I say instead.

    "I am," he agrees, "and yet I'm here. How strange."

    "Why?" I demand after taking a sip.

    Klaus tsks. "Someone's a bit peeved," he notes. "Is it because you didn't know I was alive? I'd assume you'd be weeping tears of joy at my return."

    "Your ego has once again lied to you," I retort. "I'm pissed that everyone tried to keep it a secret as if I was going to follow you or something."

"Don't act like you wouldn't have," Klaus teases. He winces after I punch his arm.

    "Why are you here?" I demand for the umpteenth time.

    "I'm told a hunter's after one of my hybrids," Klaus finally admits before taking my empty drink from its spot. "Tyler, to be specific. I only have so many hybrids left, especially now that your sister's a vampire." He looks over at me. "How are you dealing with that, by the way?"

    "You mean constantly dealing with 'what's best for Elena?' Honestly, it's getting kind of annoying." I sigh, not bothering to ask for another drink.

    "Do what I did for you," Klaus suggests.

    "What?" I scoff. "Take her on a killing spree across the east coast? I don't think her moral compass could handle that."

    "Clearly yours could."

    My eyes narrow at the memory of last summer. "I had no choice," I remind, "you threatened everyone I ever cared about."

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