Chapter Nineteen

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    I still haven't told Stefan.

    In my defense, I'm sort of petrified he'll ditch me for good. We've bonded since the Summer, we've gotten closer. I trust him as my friend, but our friendship was built over a mutual hatred for Klaus. If he found I was sleeping with someone we both hated, would he forgive me?

    Luckily, he hasn't pressed for information. 

    I haven't told anyone about ending whatever it was with Klaus, but it's not for the lack of trying. For some reason, getting Damon and Elena alone to talk is harder than it seem. Damon continues to taunt me with it and Elena and I never finished that one conversation, but there's no proof about anyone else knowing.

    The only reason for that, I would say, is because people are still on the hunt for the final stake. Stefan came up with the idea to kill two birds with one stone.

    A little background information before I continue. Once an Original is killed, everyone part of their bloodline dies a painful, bloody death. Sage was one of the first to go after Finn died.

    So now, thanks to Stefan, I along with Damon and Elena are going to retrieve Jeremy (who can apparently talk to ghosts???) in an attempt to get him to talk to some dead vampire. Stefan and Damon don't know who originated their bloodline. So while Stefan searches for the stake, Damon, Elena, and I will figure out who's the one vampire we can't kill.

    To be honest, in slightly confused about my bloodline. It was Klaus's blood and Damon's blood that turned me. So Klaus, and possibly another Original are my bloodlines. I voiced my worries to my friends, which in turn made them a little worried. But, I'm sure they're more worried about the possibility of not killing two Originals rather than just one. 

    "Have either of you ever ridden first class?" Damon questions as he enters the living room. Elena and I have been patiently waiting with our stuff ready. I stand, slinging my backpack strap over my shoulder as Elena scoffs.

    "Who did you have to compel for that?" Elena remarks.

    Damon scoffs. "Please, I used miles." He picks up his duffel bag. "Let's ride!" he exclaims as he walks outside toward his car.

    Stefan enters the living room from the kitchen, a smoothie in hand as he watches Damon leave. Elena gives me a look, wanting some private time to talk to Stefan.

    "Thanks," I mumble at the outstretched smoothie. He gives me a tight smile as I head outside into the chilly air.

    Damon's already sitting in the driver's seat, music blaring at a semi-tolerable volume. I toss my bag in the trunk before sliding into the back seat. Damon looks back at me as I lay down, knowing I'd be the only one back here.

    "What are you doing in the back?" Damon asks, frowning at me.

    I raise my brow. "And sit next to you for the hour ride to the airport? I'll pass."

    He scoffs. "You've been off the past couple of days. Is Klaus no longer satisfying your needs?"

I roll my eyes. "You're a dick."

"Oh come on!" He laughs. "You were so determined when you told me you were dumping him. Let me guess, he managed to change—"

"I didn't 'dump' him, I just told him I no longer wanted to do what we were doing."

I didn't notice the passenger door opening as I said that, resulting in a gaping Elena. She takes a seat before twisting herself to look back at me again.

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