Chapter Thirty - Two

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I'm finally free from the confusion and pain that comes with being a vampire of Mystic Falls.

I have every reason to leave Mystic Falls and disappear off the face of the Earth. But unfortunately, I know my friends well enough. Even if the cure's the only thing on their mind, there's no way those idiots would just let me do whatever I want.

And they would definitely try to get my humanity back on.

So, until I can make a quiet getaway, I'm forced to stay in this town.

    I pull away from the guy's neck, taking a deep breath after nearly drowning in his blood. I no longer hear his heart pumping, so I drop him to the ground. My vamp face doesn't diminish as I look around the small bar.

    I had to drive four hours to make sure those idiots wouldn't hear about this.

The whimpering coming from the barstools behind me reminds me that not everyone is dead.

"Right," I say, clapping my hands together before swiftly turning around. The two women flinch at my sudden movement. My vamp face hides itself. "So," I say sweetly, "do you believe me now?"

    "You're a monster," the short blonde manages to grit out. The other woman hides behind the blonde, sobbing against her shoulder.

    I wait, expecting her to say more, but she just shakes. Geez, there's no reason to be that scared. Was I like this when I saw someone die for the first time?

    "Oh," I say lamely, "that's it?" I sigh before crossing my arms. "I was expecting something better. But sure, I guess a vampire does fall under the category of 'monster.'"

    I grab my drink from the bar, but the two girls shriek at my movement. I wince at the unwanted noise.

    "Next time, I'll just be subtle," I mumble. "Or maybe I just won't play with my food." I sip my drink before looking at the two girls. "What do y'all think?"

    The girl hiding behind the blonde is sobbing loudly. Honestly? I'm getting bored of it. Normally I'd be frustrated but...I can't exactly feel, now can I?

    The alarm on my phone suddenly blares, telling me it's time to go back to Mystic Falls before anyone noticed I've been gone too long.

    I need to figure out how to sneak away soon.

    I sigh. "Well, ladies, it looks like our time is up." I place the empty glass on the bar. I smirk as the veins beneath my eyes show themselves and my fangs pop into view. "It was a pleasure."

    While I don't like the whimpering and random shrieking, I do appreciate a good scream of terror.


    I don't know why an entire high school is forced to sit down and memorialize our dead mayor, but here we are.

    A few days ago, when Klaus killed those twelve hybrids, Carol Lockwood was found dead with her head in the fountain. Though no one's admitted it out loud, we know Klaus killed her.

    "Screw this," Tyler mumbles before standing up. Everyone watches, with candles in hand, as he scoots past the other people on his row and leaves the gym.

    Sheriff Forbes watches with pity as the one of two remaining hybrids leaves. "Please join me in a moment of silence."

    I refrain from the urge to leave and instead look down at the candle in my hand.

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