Chapter Thirty

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Tyler blocks my kick to his head with his forearm and instead tries to attack me by throwing a punch. I block with my opposite arm before jumping back.

He lowers his arm, giving me the chance to lunge forward and knee him in the stomach. He lets out a groan but swats me away anyway.

"Do sparring sessions usually last this long?" Tyler pants.

Too much has happened in the past twenty-four hours. I learn my brother wants to kill me. My sister is sired to my ex. Said ex and I couldn't stop staring at each other when that dance was happening. And of course, Klaus is starting to make me feel things I don't want to feel.

Confusing feelings are an obstacle for Gabriella Gilbert. Instead of embracing them head-on like I learned to do, I've backslid into a coping method that got me through my parents' death.


"Giving up already?" I ask, smirking at him. I tighten my ponytail before throwing another punch. He blocks that easily and manages to kick me in the stomach.

I'm knocked to the ground.

Tyler chuckles. "Fights don't usually last this long."

"Well, you're a hybrid, and I have too much anger that needs an outlet," I pant out. I get on my feet and aim another punch to his fist, but he catches that instead.

"Why are you angry?" He asks.

More confused and conflicted, but anger's a good cover.

"I need to ask you about sire bonds." With a grunt, I use my other fist to punch his chest as hard as I can. He falls after I hear the satisfying crunch!

I move again, getting ready to hit him once more, but he's putting his arms up yelling, "Timeout, timeout!"

I stop moving and let out a groan. "Come on, Ty, I need your stamina."

"You just broke a rib, Gabby," Tyler groans before sitting up. "I think that constitutes a break."

I roll my eyes. "Need a water?"

"Please." I toss him a water bottle before grabbing my own. He takes a few gulps before setting his bottle down. "So, why do you need to know about sire bonds?"

"How to break the vampire equivalent of one," I respond easily. He frowns at me and I give a dismissive wave. "Elena's sired to Damon. No biggie, we just need to know how to break it."

"Well," Tyler sighs, "that explains a lot, I guess. For hybrids, the sire bond is created because we felt gratitude for not having to turn."

"So what's the vampire?"

Tyler shrugs. "I don't know. I'm sorry." I nod. I figured it wouldn't be that easy, but you can't blame a girl for trying. "Are you okay?"

I shrug. "Could be worse. I feel like I've lost my touch, but this workout's actually helped."

"I mean emotionally, not physically."

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