Chapter Four

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I stare at myself in the mirror before smoothing down the right red dress. After Rebekah's rude awakening, we decided to go to a nice store to fix Rebekah's wardrobe. Klaus being the "benevolent hybrid leader" he thinks he is, was kind enough to let me have one dress.

"There has to be more to this dress," Rebekah complains from the dressing room beside me.

"There's not," I reply with a grin before stepping out of the dressing room. Rebekah steps out a millisecond after I do with a frown.

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then?"

I strike a small pose before twirling. "Hell yeah we do."

Rebekah looks at me. "You actually work these outfits nicely," she compliments. She lets out an annoyed sigh before looking down at her dress. "You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing." Klaus smiles. He winks at me, making me roll my eyes.

Rebekah flinches as the beat drops in the music playing through the speakers. "What is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."

"It's dance music," Stefan replies obviously bored with this. He and Klaus are sitting on the couch across from us with the champagne they compelled. They look like the guys of a couple when they are forced to go shopping with their girlfriends. You know, how they all sit in one area, awaiting the girls to be done already. It's amusing.

"You dance to this?" She asks, now sounding disgusted.

"Yes! Are we done?" Klaus demands, bored out of his mind.

"And why are you so grumpy?"

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying; one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it."

Stefan told me about finding the necklace back in the 20s, the same one he gave to Elena. I don't make eye contact with him. "I didn't lose it!" Rebekah defends, "It's just been missing for ninety years." She eyes Stefan before giving a flirtatious smile. "So what do you think?" She asks Stefan while giving a small twirl.

Her and Stefan have a romantic history from the 1920s before Klaus compelled him to forget.

"I like it," Stefan lies. I let out a snort. "What? I said I like it."

"That was an obvious lie, Stef," I point out. Rebekah angrily stomps into the dressing room to change.

"Nice one. Good work," Klaus sarcastically remarks to Stefan.

"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her," Stefan retorts.

"I heard that!" Rebekah calls from the dressing room. Klaus groans as he leans his head back on the couch.

I look past them and out the large window. My face greets me with a smirk, except it's not my reflection. Katherine.

She nods her head at me before beckoning me to follow her. She starts walking away and out of sight. I let out a sigh, acting like I didn't see her before nodding my head at Klaus and Stefan.

"Well, while you boys are bored out of your minds, I'm going to go put this dress to use." I smirk as I start waking out of he store.

"Don't go too far, Gabby," Klaus calls out, not bothering to look back as I walk past him.

I don't say anything as I step outside. My heels click against the concrete as I start heading toward where Katherine left.

God I'm going to regret this.

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