Chapter Nine

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Whatever Rebekah and Klaus had left of their bond is most likely gone by now. Rebekah's been silent. Scratch that: all she does is talk about the Homecoming Dance, which by the way, is tonight.

Stefan and Damon met the famous vampire hunter, Mikael. Fun thing about him, he only drinks vampire blood. Weird, right? Anyway, Mikael threatened Stefan's life (shocker) if Stefan can't get Klaus back to Mystic Falls.

So, we all made up a nice little plan about ten minutes ago on how to get Klaus to come back. Elena will dagger Mikael, since she's the only who can due to being human, and Klaus will run on her here to see the dead body.

The best part, Rebekah is in on the plan.

"You want me to dagger you?" Elena asks Mikael with an unsure tone as we all stand around in the study.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. We're doing this now.

"Klaus will leave nothing to chance," Mikael answers, also having a British accent, "Especially when it comes to trust."

Elena palms the dagger before thrusting it into his chest. Like Elijah did, Mikael falls to the ground, almost looking dead.

Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Rebekah all look at me in expectancy, as if I know what to do.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Call Klaus," Elena instructs as if I'm a dumbass. Well, I am a dumbass, but still.

I raise a brow. "Why not Stefan? He's the one that's been MIA."

"We've already been over this, Gabby," Rebekah huffs out. "My brother will most likely answer if it's you."

I groan in annoyance before pulling out my phone. I click the small phone button next to Klaus's contact and put the phone up to my ear.

The phone rings twice before I finally get an answer. "Portland is fantastic once you can get over all the whiney music and healthy-looking people. It's literally a breeding ground for werewolves," he greets.

"And hipsters," I add.

"Anyway, love, how are things going with you? Is he still being an ass?" Klaus asks, referring to Damon. I see Damon with a confused frown.

Rebekah gives a triumphed smirk knowing that I've talked to Klaus about my personal problems.

"He's fine. Oh, by the way, your father's dead," I answer, awaiting his answer.

"Well that's good, let me know if—" he stops himself before taking a few seconds. "What did you say to me?"

"Mikael," I answered, "He's been daggered." I wait for a few seconds. "What would you like Stefan and I to do with the body?"

"Well first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened," he commands.

I explain to him the way on how Mikael "died". Using the words I am supposed to use, I tell Klaus the lie we planned.

After I finish, I could basically feel Klaus's anger through the phone. "I want to see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself."

"Well, he's here," I reply with nonchalance. "Come by whenever."

"I want to speak to Stefan," he commands, "Now."

We made Stefan watch Mikael's death so he could basically tell the truth to Klaus. I hand Stefan the phone. "If either of you are lying to me, your compulsion will expose you. So answer with your life. Is what Gabby saying the truth?" Klaus asks.

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