Chapter Thirty - Nine

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    I am miserable, and it's all my fault.

    After last night's overindulgence in cheap beer and random bottles of whatever, I woke up with the worst hangover to date. Honestly, I didn't think vampires could get hangovers like this. It sucks.

    But it was worth it, I think. I spent the duration of the party forgetting about yesterday's events and it was great.

    But today's a new day, and surprisingly, nothing or no one has wakened me up demanding I help them with whatever.

    I check my phone, only to see it's pretty early in the morning. Well, if you consider ten in the morning early, then yeah.

    Either way, I'm tired, I'm in pain, and hungry. I'm sure there are a couple of blood bags hidden in the ice chest downstairs.

    I pull my rat's nest of hair up, ignoring the tangled curls in favor of hiding them in a bun. I'm not gonna bother changing out my pajamas since I'm just going to the dungeon to get a blood bag.

    I wince when I get up to fast. My head pounds with every step but the thought of reaching that blood bag downstairs motivates me to keep going.

When I make it down the stairs, I can't help but raise a brow at the mess the party left last night. Geez. I wonder when it ended.

I walk past the mess, not bothering myself with it for the moment in favor of finding that blood bag. It only takes a few minutes to retrieve said blood bag, but I'm happy to be sipping on it.

When I make it back upstairs, I can hear Stefan pacing as he snaps at someone on the phone.

"You took her to New York?" He snaps incredulously.

I sip my bag and watch as he knocks an empty cup over. "And that tone is the reason I didn't pick up the phone," Damon answers.

Oh, he's talking to Damon. I frown. Does that mean Damon took Elena to New York?

"Where is she now?" Stefan sighs.

"Probably eating a hot dog...vendor."

I decide to speak up. "So Elena gets a field trip and I get tortured," I speak up. "Sounds fair. So, you're screwing around New York instead of searching for Katherine?" I question, making Stefan turn to face me. He sighs before putting the phone on speaker.

"Actually, my sweet Wildfire, this little joy ride is a cure hunt," Damon responds. "The vampire that Katherine sent after Hayley is a friend of mine who lives in the city. Will gets vampires fake identities, and I'm sure that Katherine's one of his clients."

"You didn't think finding Katherine is something I want to help with?" I retort.

"You were passed out drunk last I checked," he retorts. "Besides, you had your chance to find that lead with Klaus and you blew it."

"Don't be an asshole," Stefan defends. "She didn't have to talk to him, but she did. Don't blame her for something she wasn't ready to do."

I give him a grateful look.

Damon sighs. "Thanks for trying, Gabby. I know it wasn't easy," he says, surprising me. "I couldn't take you to New York anyway. It would only motivate Elena to keep her humanity off."

Stefan and I frown. "You're trying to turn her humanity back on?" I ask.

"Nah, but keeping her distracted here will help me with the search for the cure and you guys when dealing with the ever so immortal Silas," he answers.

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