Chapter Six

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I woke up too early for my liking this morning only to be greeted by a confused Damon. We didn't speak this morning due to the idea that Stefan could be hearing, but I tried to not seem mean. I love him. Despite the dimmed sparkle in his eyes, I know he loves me too. He's just...conflicted right now. It makes sense.

Elena's been awake for nearly thirty minutes. How do I know this? Well, I've currently been waiting in a chair in the corner of her room for her.

Wow...that actually sounded creepy. No matter, it's the only way I can speak to Elena without Stefan eavesdropping. Real question is, should I tell her? She's not the best with secrets. Damon's better, but I won't be able to tell him without Stefan being two feet away.

The alarm clock starts beeping forcing her to reluctantly turn it off.

    She waits there a few seconds before getting out of bed. She goes to her small table of makeup.

    Elena looks in the mirror, moving her hair to look at the two spots where Stefan bit her. With a sigh she starts covering the mark.

    We make eye contact through the mirror, making her yelp in surprise before quickly spinning around to face me. I give a little wave as I smirk. "Morning, sis."

    "Gabby," she greets wearily, not sure whether she should trust me or not.

    I put my hands up in surrender before standing up. "Relax, Stefan isn't around to eavesdrop."

    "So you're on our side?"

    "Of course." I scoff before lowering my arms. "Why wouldn't I be?" She eyes me for a few seconds, making me sigh. "Listen, if Klaus asks, Stefan will tell the truth which means we've got to convince Stefan I'm on his side."

    "Why are you here now?" Elena asks, pulling on a pair of yoga pants.

    "Klaus wants me to watch over you. As much as I hate doing what he says, It's better than torture," I admit. "I'm not compelled so I won't do anything that directly harms you or Damon or anyone else. But if I need to keep my cover, I will."

    She scowls as she pulls sweatpants on. "So your attitude last night was to keep your cover from being blown?"

    "I know, I'm convincing." I shrug. She continues to out on some exercise clothes. "What are you about to do?"


    I raise a brow. "For...?"

    "Kicking a vampire's ass."

    I can't help but chuckle at the thought. "Let me guess...Ric's training you in protecting yourself? Is this because of Stefan? It really wasn't his fault of we're going to be honest."

    "He could've controlled himself. He could've fought against it." Elena snaps as she puts her hair into a ponytail.

    "Really? Just because it's you that wanted him to fight it doesn't mean that he will. Besides, he tried his best. You know compulsion is hard to fight."

    She ignores and and tries to leave. I speed in front of her. "How long is training going to be?"


    I smirk. "It's the first day of Senior year. You can't be late on the first day." I lean against the doorway. "Your side or not, I've got a job to do and an appearance to keep up.

    She scowls and pushes past me. I follow behind her into the hall. Alaric leaves his room, tiredly rubbing his eyes.

    "Morning, Alaric," i greet. Apparently he became Elena and Jeremy's guardian until she turned eighteen.

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