Chapter Forty - One

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My opportunity to at least punch the bitch slipped through my fingers. I suppose this is what I get for neglecting my anger longer than a minute.

But, now that the cure isn't with us, the Mystic Falls Gang is focused on bringing Elena's humanity back by "making her want it."

It's ridiculous. Stefan and I were treated much differently when our humanities were off. We were seen as pariahs that needed pain to be brought back. But now that it's Elena, we're supposed to take it easy?

When we got back into town, Caroline was quick to explain what happened with Klaus the other day. Silas, another problem we're still dealing with, got into Klaus's head and convinced him he was dying.

In his anguished state, Klaus admitted to Caroline what happened the last time we saw each other. So now, Caroline can't stop looking at me with pity.

But that's something I can't bring myself to think about right now, not with a football being thrown at me every five seconds.

"So what has it been? Eight? Nine days?" Damon questions, throwing the football to me. I manage to catch it before tossing it to Stefan.

"Don't know. Lost count," I respond. He catches it and throws it back to Damon. We keep throwing the ball in our little triangle.

"We lost count of the consecutive days in which Elena Gilbert has not killed anyone," Damon sighs, throwing the ball back to me. "I say that's progress."

I toss it to Stefan. "So, what are we gonna do?" Stefan questions. "Just throw the football around for another one hundred and fifty years till Elena gets her humanity back? Because I'm cool with that."

"She doesn't want the cure," Damon sighs, catching the football. "She's gonna start killing people if she knows we're still trying to get it for her."

"So stop her," I say simply. "You had no problem doing that for me."

"You're different," Damon dismisses. "If we get Elena back, she wouldn't be able to handle torture along with every bad thing she's done." He tosses the ball to me. "My plan is to make her want the cure."

"She's an emotionless vampire, Damon," Stefan points out just before catching the ball I throw.

"We can flip her humanity switch back. We can pull a Lexi: bombard her with emotions until one of them sticks," Damon suggests, catching the ball again.

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Plan B," Stefan answers. "Lock her up and keep her sidelined until we figure out Plan C."

"I have suggestions for a Plan B edit," I remark as Damon throws the football at me again. I keep it tucked against my waist. "Torture the bitch."

    Damon sighs. "I sense you're taking our methods a little personally."

    "Why would I not? I did less damage without my humanity, yet I got punished more severely."

    "It wasn't a punishment," Stefan tries to correct. "We wanted your humanity back and we thought it was the only way."

    "It didn't work though. My brother dying brought it back."

    "Exactly," Damon chimes. "Torture didn't work. If it didn't work with you, it's possible it won't work with Elena." He sighs. "What happened with you was gruesome and unnecessary. I want to avoid making that mistake again."

    They're both staring at me, waiting for me to say anything else. I wish I could stay mad at them, but it's hard, especially now that I know they're being genuine. They're still idiots, of course, but they're idiots who care.

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