Chapter Eleven

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I am not the nicest person. I'm not the most caring, or the most patient. I don't always know what's best for everyone. I don't always make the right decisions. I make mistakes.

Sounds human, huh?

Yeah, it does. Which only begs the question: Does those excuses still apply to a vampire?

Obviously I can't say, I've only been a vampire for about four months now. But others can. And for some reason, it's up to them to decide whether I can use humanity as an excuse.

Lately, I've been confused. No, not sexually, though I wouldn't mind experimenting eventually. I'm confused with my allegiance. Helping Stefan protect my sister and get his revenge only pushes us away from our friends and family. Helping my sister won't do much considering both sides have the same goal.

As we speed down the highway toward the bridge, I can't help but feel bad for my screaming sister. Of course, I am pretending to lead her to her death.

But, like I said earlier, I don't always know what's best for everyone. This is no exception.

twelve hours earlier

I let out a small groan before reaching for the person beside me with a smile. I frown when I feel nothing.

I open my eyes, the space in my bed empty. It almost looks as if no one was there. Damon's clothes are gone, along with, well, Damon.

Please don't tell me I imagined that last night.

I know I didn't. Half the stuff that happened last night was definitely not imagined.

So where did he go?

"Don't you look comfy," a voice notes. I look up, hoping to see Damon and put my mind at ease, only to see Stefan standing at the edge of my bed.

I lift the sheet to cover my naked self before propping myself up on my elbow. "Stefan?" I question with a frown. "What are you doing?"

    "I could ask you the same thing," he retorts before throwing me a shirt. I roll my eyes before turning around to put the shirt on.

    "Relax, Stefan, you've seen these tits before." I face him again with a small smirk. "What can I do for you?"

    "We're supposed to meet Damon at the house."

"Oh," I reply lamely before pulling the shirt down to cover as much as me as possible. "Okay, yeah. Give me a minute to change."

He raises his brow. "Not to sound weird," he starts off, making me scoff.

"That's not the best opener."

He rolls his eyes. "You don't usually sleep with your clothes off."

I raise a brow. "I'm glad you know such an important fact about me."

"Did you sleep with someone?" He questions, making me give a coy smile.


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