Chapter Thirteen

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"Want a sip?" I offer before putting the container on the vanity. I grab a neutral lipstick, popping off the cap. "Stefan made it. His smoothies are the bomb." I start applying the lipstick.

I stare at myself, making sure my makeup isn't messed up.

"Maybe when you're distracted from looking at yourself," Elijah responds. I make eye contact through the mirror. "I see you're feeling much better now."

"I cried and mourned for three days," I snap before turning around, "the time for tears is over. Now's the time to bring my bad bitch level to the max."

"Hence the alluring makeup and outfit?"

I look at myself in the mirror again, admiring my outfit. My hair's pulled back into a pony tail, allowing two of my curls in the front to frame my face. My black jeans look cute with my sleeved white crop. Of course, my leather jacket is on as well.

"It's more a self confidence thing," I retort. I face him again. "Why, is it too much?"

"Not at all." He gives a small reassuring smile. "So, how did you figure out he was lying? You said you knew before Elena told you."

"Klaus," I answer bitterly, "he wasn't too happy about me sending his hybrids away."

"Niklaus sent you the picture?" Elijah asks, surprisingly, not that shocked.

"Yes," I groan out in annoyance before taking another sip of my smoothie, only to find that it's empty. I groan in annoyance once more. Elijah starts chuckling, making me frown. "Don't laugh at my smoothie pain."

"I'm not laughing about that," he admits, "Do you know why he sent that picture to you and not Stefan?"

"Because I threatened to kill Elena?"

He shakes his head, still chuckling. "Based on what you've told me, from the summer, I presume Klaus has grown close to you, no?"

I shrug. "Stefan and I were his bitches," I retort, "and after taking the coffins? We mean nothing to him. Vice versa."

"Have you ever thought that my brother may be jealous of Damon?" Elijah asks.

"Jealous? Why would Klaus be jealous of Damon?"

"Because Damon has—sorry—had something Klaus wanted."

I let out a sigh, knowing where this is going. "Me," I finish the sentence. "I mean, I don't blame him. I am a catch."

"Your ego is frightening." He looks at his watch.  "I'm afraid I must get going."

"Alive for a day and you're already leaving me?" I tease.

"Sadly. I would ask you to join, but this little meeting was set up by your cheating ex lover."


"If you want, I can give him an Original vampire punch."

I smirk. "Worry not, I'm already planning my revenge."

Elijah leaves, letting me sigh.

I look at myself for the millionth time this morning. I can do this. I am not some broken girl defined by some man.

Don't lie to yourself, hon. The weird voice taunts.

Who the hell are you? Gollum? Why can't my inside voice sound normal? Besides, I'm not broken. No man will harm me.

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