Chapter Twenty - Three (Season Four)

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    For the past six hours, Elena's been in and out. Every time, she wakes up confused and startled, but manages to pass out again when we start explaining her situation.

    So Stefan, Damon, and I, hopefully the most comforting faces at the moment, are waiting beside her as she sleeps in her bed.

    "Was I like this?" I mumble impatiently. I'm exhausted. I don't think I've gotten a decent sleep since the dance. When was that...two? three days ago? It's hard to keep track with everything that's been happening.

    "It's different for everyone," Stefan reminds me for the umpteenth time today.

    "So that's a no," I assume before leaning back in her chair. "Can't we just, I don't know, slip her some blood and hope she doesn't choke?"

    "I like that idea," Damon chimes from the window seat.

    "No," Stefan retorts, not taking his eyes off her sleeping figure. "She needs to have the choice."

    I scoff. "It's not like she's gonna choose to not do it...right?" That would so be her to not choose a life of vampirism in favor of being a martyr.

    Before we could get into that discussion, Elena gasps awake for the umpteenth time today. She looks to be much more awake than the previous times.

    "Stefan?" She mumbles, sitting up. Her eyes look over at Damon and I. "What..?"

    "You've been in and out for hours," Stefan explains slowly, hoping she won't pass out again.

    "Wh—What happened?"

    "You were in an accident."

    "Oh my God," she gasps, eyes widening in realization. "Matt, is he—"

    "Alive?" Damon interrupts bitterly. Both Stefan and Elena look over at him. "Ask Stefan, the hero."

    "I thought we agreed you weren't going to be an ass until she did whatever," I sigh, leaning back in my seat. Elena looks at me, recognizing my presence as if she didn't see me earlier.

    "He's fine," Stefan reassures, knowing Elena only cares about that at the moment.

    She exhaled a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I thought that I...How did you—"

    "Save you?" Damon interrupts, still pretty bitter, "he didn't."

    Elena frowns in confusion.

    "Remember how Meredith uses vampire blood to heal the un-healable?" I chime. "Fun fact, you were the un-healable."

    "So when Rebekah ran you and Matt's truck off the rode, you died with vampire blood in your system," Damon snaps.

    Elena's brows furrow as realization slowly settles itself in. "Oh my God..." she whispers, eyes getting watery, "Am I dead?" No one says anything. "No, no, no...That wasn't—that wasn't supposed to happen!"

    "Maybe it doesn't have to," Stefan rushes out, grabbing her hand to soothe her distraught mind, "I talked to Bonnie. She said she's stronger than ever, there might be something she can do to help you."

    I almost roll my eyes at that.

    And it seems Damon shared my thoughts. "No, the only thing that's gonna help is for you to feed and complete the transition."

    "We have all day before she has to feed, Damon. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this."

    "If there was a way out of this," I start, gaining their attention, "we would've known about it by now."

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